Set the Available field list, folder description, and cell format

Pentaho Schema Workbench

Part Number

You can define fields to hide or show users, add folder descriptions, and render cell formats in an Analyzer report using the annotations described in the table below.

Annotation Description Mondrian Schema Element Value
AnalyzerBusinessGroup Overrides the folder name for this field in the Available fields list. The default folder for a field is the hierarchy or dimension name. Folder name
AnalyzerBusinessGroupDescription Set the text for a Tool Tip when a user hovers the mouse pointer over the folder. Description
AnalyzerHideInUI Hides a field in the Available fields list. true or false
AnalyzerFieldListView Set on cube to set the default view of the Available fields list. CMDVIEWCATEGORY, CMDVIEWNAME, CMDVIEWTYPE, and CMDVIEWSCHEMA
AnalyzerShowFormattedValue For an Excel export, this renders the cell as a formatted string literal, instead of the raw value and the Excel format string. true or false