Import physical tables and columns

Pentaho Metadata Editor

Part Number
After you define your database connections, the next step is to describe the physical database tables and columns that you want to include in your business model.

A business model contains all of the logical, abstract business objects and relationships that model your physical database objects in such a way that underlying changes to the physical database objects have minimal impact on your business, your business intelligence application, and your end users. There can be multiple business models in a single domain. A business model currently supports one database connection, and consists of business tables, relationships, and a multiple business views.

Fortunately, when you import a physical table, all of the table's columns come with it, so the import is a one step exercise instead of two. Later, you can remove the columns you do not want in the connection or the model. Below is an example of an import from HSQLDB (Hypersonic):

  1. Right-click the Sample Data Example node in the navigation pane then select Import Tables from the menu.
    A dialog box that contains all physical tables available in the database appears.

    Import tables into PME

  2. Select the tables you want to include.
    Note: Press the SHIFT or CTRL key to select multiple tables.
  3. Click OK when you are done.
The tables you selected appear in a list in the navigation pane in the left side of the workspace.