Import emails from a custom source

Pentaho Business Analytics

Part Number

You can import emails from other data sources into the Pentaho Server EE platform using the following procedure. Like any other emails in the Pentaho repository, the imported emails can be organized in email groups as described in Create an email group.

These instructions creates a framework for importing emails from a CSV file.

The pentaho-scheduler-ee-core-10.x.x.jar file must be included in the project or resolved by using a Maven Project Object Model (POM) to ensure access to AbstractEmailImportService in the following procedure. If you are using a reference from a POM, it should be marked as <scope>PROVIDED</scope>, since it can be found in the plugin itself.

The pentaho-scheduler-ee-core-10.x.x.jar is included with the Scheduler plugin and is located in the server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/scheduler-plugin/lib directory.

  1. Create a class that extends AbstractEmailImportService.
    public class CsvEmailImportService extends AbstractEmailImportService {}
  2. Create a default constructor. Consider placing a log message in the body to aid in debugging.
    public CsvEmailImportService() {}
  3. Override the importEmails() method by using the following example. Replace CSV with a key that represents the name that you plan to use as the email-source, which is configured in the settings.xml file.
    String emailSource = EmailGroupsApi.getEmailSource();  
       if ( emailSource.toUpperCase().startsWith( "CSV" ) && !isAlreadyImported() ) {  
  4. Navigate to the /pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/scheduler-plugin folder.
  5. Open settings.xml and change the email-source setting to the email-source value that you specified when overriding the importEmails() method.
  6. Override the getEmails() method by creating a list of EmailEntity that is imported into the system.
    public List<EmailEntity> getEmails() throws EmailImportException
    See the example in
  7. In the /pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/system/scheduler-plugin folder, add a bean definition for the new class in the plugin.spring.xml file. Any properties required by the bean can be exposed in the plugin.spring.xml file.
    <bean id="csvEmailImport"  
    	<property name="csvFile" value="/<path>/CSVFile.csv"> 