
Pentaho Business Analytics

Part Number

The Browse Files perspective helps you keep your files and folders organized and makes them easier for you to find and work with.

Browsw Files window in PUC

Item Name Function
1 Browse Files indicator

Indicates the current User Console perspective that you are using. Browse Files shows you how to locate your files and folders and the different actions you can do with them.

Displays the Folders, Files, and Actions panes.

2 Folders

Shows a list of folders that you can browse through to locate your files. You can also use the Browsing pane to create new folders or delete old ones.

After you select something in the Browsing pane, the Actions pane populates with a list of things you can do with the folders.

3 Files

Generates and shows a list of all files contained in the folder that is selected in the Browsing pane.

After you select a file, the Actions pane populates with a list of things you can do with the file.

4 Actions The actions displayed depend upon the selection made in the Folders pane, as follows:
  • The Folder Actions pane gives you the ability to:
    • Create, delete, and rename folders.
    • Paste files in a folder.
    • Upload files.
    • Download files.
    • View the Properties, Allow Scheduling, set to Hidden, and control the folder’s permissions for Users and Roles (Manage Permissions, Delete, Write, and Read).
  • The File Actions pane gives you the ability to:
  • The Actions for Trash gives you the ability to:
    • Restore a file in Trash Contents.
    • Permanently delete a file.