Dial charts

Pentaho Business Analytics

Part Number

Dial charts are often associated with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Dial charts are circular and contain a scale, a needle, and one or more a dial sectors. The dial sector is used to identify a specified area on a dial chart using a particular color. For example, you could have a dial plotting inventory with a minimum dial value of 10000 and a maximum dial value of 50000. There could be a red dial sector for the region between 2000 and 4000 indicating that if the needle is in this area, there is a danger of a supply inventory shortage.

For dial charts to display correctly, you must enter values for your range and the chart title. In the example below, the dial chart preview is displaying ranges associated with sales. Notice that each dial sector is represented by a color, red, yellow, or green. The needle is positioned in the 220796.48 range, indicating that total orders, while not stellar, are not near the danger zone indicated by the red sector in the dial.
Dial chart

You can change the color of a dial sector by clicking the small down arrow in the color boxes associated with Range. Select a color from the palette so that you can preview it on your dial chart. Click Apply to preview your dial chart. Click OK to place your dial chart into the dashboard.
Color picker