Hide and unhide fields

Pentaho Business Analytics

Part Number

You can select to hide or show fields in the list of Available fields for an Analyzer report. Hiding fields is helpful when you want a clear view of only those fields you are interested in for your report. When you hide a field, it is no longer available for selection in the report.

To hide fields, you must be assigned the Manage Data Sources operation permission in Users and Roles. For more information about setting and maintaining permissions and roles for users, see Use Pentaho Security. Note that the total number of available fields displayed at the top is dependent upon the user's role and permissions. For users with the Manage Data Sources operation permission, the number will always reflect the total fields available, including hidden and unhidden fields, as well as calculated measures added to the model via inline model editing. For users without the Manage Data Sources operation permission, the number will reflect all fields which are visible, but will not include hidden fields.