Create an Analyzer report

Pentaho Business Analytics

Part Number
Pentaho Analyzer automatically fetches data in real time as you add and remove fields, so you may find it easier to build a report with the Auto Refresh feature turned off. Then you can design your report layout first, including calculations and filtering, without querying the database automatically after each change. Just click the auto refresh icon in the tool bar to toggle Auto Refresh on or off, or you can click the Refresh Report button at any time.

To create a new report, perform the following steps:

  1. From User Console Home, click Create New, then Analysis Report.
  2. Choose a data source for the report from the Select Data Source dialog box, then click OK.
  3. From the Available Fields pane on the left, click and drag an object to the Rows or Columns area in the Layout panel.
    The data row or column appears in the table workspace.
    Note: You can remove an object from a row or column by dragging it from the Layout panel back to the Available Fields list.
  4. In the list of fields, click and drag a measure to the Measures area in the Layout pane.
    The measure appears as a column in the table workspace.
  5. If you want to rename or reformat your columns, right-click a column and choose Column Name and Format from the menu.
    The Edit Column window appears.
    Note: You can also sort the data in your columns by clicking and choosing a sort-order from the drop-down menu.
  6. Choose a format from the Format drop-down box, or choose a visualization from the drop-down menu. Click Refresh Report if you need to, then click OK.
  7. Click Save As. Type a file name for your report and choose a location to save it in, then click OK.
The new Analyzer report is created and saved in a location of your choice.