Use calculated measures in Analyzer reports

Pentaho Business Analytics

Part Number

In Pentaho Analyzer, calculated measures are user-defined measures based on a user's customizations to base measures in the data model. By applying a formula, in this case an MDX statement, to a selected base measure, the user creates a calculated measure to use in their Analyzer report.

As part of inline modeling, you can now save your calculated measure to the data model while creating or editing your report in Analyzer. Previous to Pentaho 6.0, if you wanted to add a particularly useful calculated measure to the model for others to use in their reports, you had to submit a request to IT and wait until it was available. Now you can save the calculated measure to the model from within Analyzer so other users can benefit immediately from your work.

To add calculated measures to the model or to edit calculated measures saved to the data model, you must be assigned the Manage Data Sources operation permission in Users and Roles. For more information on setting and maintaining permissions and roles for users, see Use Pentaho Security.