Export an Analyzer report through a URL

Pentaho Business Analytics

Part Number

You can export an Analyzer report as a PDF, CSV, Microsoft Excel, or JSON file from a Pentaho repository through a URL. This ability is useful when you want to export reports from a different scheduler.

In the URL, include a path to the repository containing your report. The default output is PDF. To specify a different output type, use the format parameter and specify either CSV, EXCEL, or JSON. To use the URL from a command line, include a call to the curl command with your <Analyzer user> and <password> before calling the URL.

The following examples show how to call Analyzer from an iframe, link, or button event in a third-party web application to export a file:
Default PDF export
http://localhost:8080/pentaho/api/repos/<repository path to report with xanalyzer extension>/service/export
CSV export
http://localhost:8080/pentaho/api/repos/<repository path to report with xanalyzer extension>/service/export?format=CSV
EXCEL export
http://localhost:8080/pentaho/api/repos/<repository path to report with xanalyzer extension>/service/export?format=EXCEL
JSON export
http://localhost:8080/pentaho/api/repos/<repository path to report with xanalyzer extension>/service/export?format=JSON
Note: The dimensional structure of an exported JSON data table is similiar to a CSV export. However, subtotals are not included in a JSON data table. By default, you can export up to 10,000 rows. To adjust the default setting, use the renderer.export.max.rows.json parameter in the analyzer.properties file. See the Administer Pentaho Data Integration and Analytics document for details.

Setting report parameters in the URL

You can also set report parameters while exporting an Analyzer report as a PDF, CSV, or Microsoft Excel file from a Pentaho repository through a URL.
  • To set a range, specify the starting point as <parameter name>_START and an ending point as <parameter name>_END. For example, if your report has a YEAR parameter, the following sample URL would export an Analyzer report from 2004 to 2005 as a CSV file: http://localhost:8080/pentaho/api/repos/<repository path to report with xanalyzer extension>/service/export?YEAR_START=2004&YEAR_END=2005&format=CSV
  • To set multiple values for a given parameter, repeat the parameter in the call. For example, if your report has a TERRITORY parameter, the following sample URL would export an Analyzer report for both NA and EMEA as a PDF file: http://localhost:8080/pentaho/api/repos/<repository path to report with xanalyzer extension>/service/export?TERRITORY=NA&TERRITORY=EMEA