Valid MDX format strings contain properties that apply special rendering for the HTML pivot tables. A format string follows this syntax:
| # , # # # | style = red
The leading Pipe ( | ) tells Analyzer that this format string contains properties. The '#,###' is the measure's value format, which in this example is one number separated from three further places or decimal places by a comma, for example, '3,667'. The 'style=red' string is a key/value pair; all possible keys and values are explained in the table below.
The following properties are supported by Analyzer:Indicator Type | Description | Values |
style | Changes the cell background color. |
arrow | Shows a trend arrow that points up or down. A value of 'none' will not render the arrow, which is useful when you only want to show one directional arrow instead of two. |
link | Creates an HTML link which will open in a new window when clicked in Analyzer. |
image | Renders a custom image that you specify. This image file must be stored in the /pentaho-solutions/system/analyzer/resource/image/report/ directory. | An image file name, with extension. |