Apply advanced conditional formatting with MDX expressions

Pentaho Business Analytics

Part Number
If the premade conditional formatting options in Analyzer are not precise enough for your needs, you can apply custom formatting to a measure by using an MDX expression.
  1. Right-click a measure in the grid, then select Column Name and Format from the context menu.
    The Edit Column dialog box appears.
  2. Select Expression from the Format drop-down list.
    A default MDX expression that prints green or red arrows in cells if their values are greater than or less than zero, respectively, appears in the MDX Format Expression field.
    When [Measures].CurrentMember > 0
    Then '|#,##0|arrow=up'
    When [Measures].CurrentMember < 0
    Then '|#,##0|arrow=down'
    Else '|#,##0'
  3. Modify the expression to suit your needs. Consult Conditional Formatting Expressions for more information on conditional formatting syntax and options.
    Note: If the MDX expression is invalid, an invalid report definition error appears at the top of the dialog box.
  4. Click OK to commit the change.
The Analyzer report will refresh and apply the formatting choices you specified.