Design your report

Get Started with Pentaho Data Integration and Analytics

Part Number
This exercise walks you through the process of designing the look-and-feel of your report.
  1. Under the View item in the Report Designer menu bar, click Element Alignment Hints and Snap to Elements to enable them.
    These options help you to align the elements of your report.
  2. In the Design page, under Query 1, click and drag the ORDERNUMBER field into the Details band, ensuring that the top line of the field name and the top line of the Details band match up.
  3. Place the ORDERDATE, PRODUCTNAME, QUANTITYORDERED, and PRICEEACH fields into the Details band.
    Take care not to overlap the fields or your report will not display correctly.
  4. Use the resizing handles to make the PRODUCTNAME field larger and the QUANTITYORDERED field smaller, as shown in the following example:

  5. Click Preview (Preview) or select it from the View menu option to preview your report, as shown below:

    Report preview
  6. Click Edit (Edit) to return to the workspace view.
You have created your first report. But, wait... There's a problem. Without headers, report users will have a hard time understanding its content. You must continue refining your report, see Refine your report.