
Pentaho Report Designer

Part Number

If you are publishing your report to the Pentaho Server, you can use the following server environment variables in your report:

Variable Description
hostColonPort The hostname and port number for the Pentaho Server service
pentahoBaseURL The complete URL to the Pentaho Server, as set in the Base URL property
roles Returns a comma-separated list of roles that the Pentaho Server user who is currently running this report belongs to
roles-array Returns a Java array of strings containing the roles that the Pentaho Server user who is currently running this report belongs to
serverBaseURL The URL to the Pentaho Server, minus the Pentaho Server application context name (the default context is pentaho/)
solutionRoot The path to the top-level Pentaho solution directory. The default location is home/pentaho/pentaho/server/pentaho-server/pentaho-solutions/ on Linux and Solaris, and C:\pentaho\server\pentaho-server\pentaho-solutions\ on Windows
username Returns the Pentaho Server username of the person currently running the published report