Export aggregates

Pentaho Aggregation Designer

Part Number
The Pentaho Aggregation Designer allows you to preview the DDL, DML, and schema (for relational databases) outputs before you build aggregate tables. You can also save the outputs and edit them later. If you are using OLAP, DML is the only available output.

To preview the DDL and DML outputs, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the aggregates that have DML/DDL output you want to preview.
  2. In the Pentaho Aggregation Designer toolbar, click Export.
  3. In the Execute and Publish dialog box, click Preview.

  4. Click Copy to Clipboard or Save to retain the output.
  5. If you examine the DDL/DML outputs and are satisfied with the results, you can allow the Pentaho Aggregation Designer to build (Execute/Publish) the aggregate tables. Follow the instructions for publishing and exporting included in the Execute and Publish dialog box.

    Execute and Publish