Checksum Aggregated View
The Checksum Aggregated View collection contains a summary of duplicate files for a specific entity, including their count and total size. The following table shows the details of the data available in this collection.
Field | Description | Data Type | Example Value |
_id | Checksum derived from bi.entities_master_view. | String | “968dl402bd0ce783a573al4172c37690” |
duplicateFilesCount | The total number of duplicate files identified. | Integer | 3 |
duplicateFilesSize | The total size of duplicate files. | Integer | 381 |
Custom Properties View
The Custom Properties View collection contains the details of custom properties in an entity, including their values. The following table shows the details of the data available in this collection.
Field | Description | Data Type | Example Value |
_id | A unique identifier for the custom property entry. | String | “65dfc901d04619a9e6a8d62d” |
EntityId | A unique identifier for the entity. | String | "11" |
PropertyId | A unique identifier for the property. | String | "5" |
PropertyName | The name of the custom property. | String | "Name" |
Value | The assigned value of the custom property. | String | "John" |
Entities Aggregated View
The Entities Aggregated View collection includes the details of the key attributes and values of aggregated entities. The following table shows the details of the data available in this collection.
Field | Description | Data Type | Example Value |
_id | A unique identifier for the entity aggregation. | String | “65dfc901d04619a9e6a8d62d” |
attribute | The attribute name of the entity. | String | "DataSources" |
type | The data type of the attribute. | String | "Structured" |
value | The value associated with the attribute. | String | "34" |
Entities Extension Count View
The Entities Extension Count view collection includes extension details, such as the file count, data source, and date of recording for each extension. The following table shows the details of the data available in this collection.
Field | Description | Data Type | Example Value |
_id | A unique identifier for the count entry. | String | “65c56b02250cc54a7b43943f” |
DataSourceFqdnId | A fully qualified domain name identifier is required for the data source. | String | "5" |
Date | The date when the file count was recorded. | Date | 2024-02-09T00:00:02.110+00:00 |
Extension | The file extension. | String | "text/plain; charset=IS0-8859-l;delimiter=comma” |
FileCount | The number of files with the specified extension. | Integer | 1 |
Entities Master View
The Entities Master View contains the essential structure and data field details of an entity. The following table shows the details of the data available in this collection.
_id | A unique identifier for the entity. | String | "11" |
Name | The name of the entity. | String | "customers" |
Type | The type of the entity (for example, file, table). | String | "Table" |
Parent | The parent entity identifier. | String | "12" |
DataSourceId | A unique identifier for the data source. | String | "dataSource_01" |
DataSourceName | The name of the data source. | String | "SalesDB" |
DataSourceType | The type of the data source (for example, SQL, NoSQL). | String | "SQL" |
ResourceType | The type of the resource. | String | "Database" |
DataProfileStatus | The status of data profiling (for example, Complete, In Progress). | String | "Complete" |
DataProfiled | Whether the data has been profiled (True or False). | Boolean | True |
LastUpdate | The timestamp of the last update. | Timestamp | "2023-12-14T15:05:00Z" |
ProductName | The name of the product. | String | "MySQL" |
ProductVersion | A version of the product. | String | "8.0" |
DriverName | The name of the driver used. | String | "MySQL ODBC 8.0 Driver" |
Url | The URL associated with the entity. | String | "jdbc:mysql://" |
ParentName | The name of the parent entity. | String | "SalesRegion" |
TotalTables | The total number of tables. | Integer | 12 |
TotalColumns | The total number of columns. | Integer | 120 |
SchemaName | The name of the schema. | String | "public" |
DatabaseName | The name of the database. | String | "SalesDB" |
LastUpdateStatistics | The timestamp of the last statistics update. | Timestamp | 2023-12-14T14:00:00Z |
RowCount | Number of rows in the entity. | Integer | 10000 |
NullCount | Number of nulls in the entity. | Integer | 50 |
Cardinality | The cardinality of the entity. | Integer | 9500 |
Hll | HyperLogLog of the entity. | String | "hll:6a9..." |
BlankCount | The number of blank entries in the entity. | Integer | 20 |
Min | The minimum value in the entity. | String | "1" |
Max | The maximum value in the entity. | String | "10000" |
AvgValue | The average value of the entity. | Float | 5000.5 |
MinWidth | The minimum width of the entity. | Integer | 1 |
MaxWidth | The maximum width of the entity. | Integer | 10 |
AvgWidth | The average width of the entity. | Float | 5.5 |
ColumnsCount | The count of columns in the entity. | Integer | 10 |
Path | The path of the entity. | String | "/data/salesdb/customers" |
CheckClause | Check the clause of the entity. | String | "age > 18" |
TableName | The name of the table. | String | "customers" |
DataType | The data type of the entity. | String | "VARCHAR" |
TypeName | The name of the entity type. | String | "varchar" |
ColumnSize | The size of the column. | Integer | 255 |
BufferLength | The length of the buffer. | Integer | 256 |
DecimalDigits | A number of decimal digits. | Integer | 2 |
NumPrecRadix | A numeric precision radix. | Integer | 10 |
IsNullable | Whether the entity is nullable (True or False). | Boolean | True |
OrdinalPosition | Ordinal position of the entity. | Integer | 1 |
IsPrimaryKey | Whether the entity is a primary key (True or False). | Boolean | False |
IsForeignKey | Whether the entity is a foreign key (True or False). | Boolean | False |
ParentPath | The parent path of the entity. | String | "/data/salesdb" |
PathType | The path type of the entity. | String | "Directory" |
FileExtension | The file extension of the entity. | String | ".txt" |
Size | The size of the entity. | Integer | 2048 |
Flags | Flags associated with the entity. | Integer | 0 |
Owner | The owner of the entity. | String | "admin" |
Group | The group associated with the entity. | String | "sales" |
SymLinkTarget | Symbolic link target of the entity. | String | "/var/salesdb/link" |
FileType | The file type of the entity. | String | "Text File" |
CreatedAt | The timestamp when the entity is created. | Timestamp | 2021-01-01T12:00:00Z |
ModifiedAt | The timestamp when the entity is modified. | Timestamp | 2023-01-01T12:00:00Z |
AccessedAt | The timestamp when the entity is accessed. | Timestamp | 2023-01-02T12:00:00Z |
ScannedAt | The timestamp when the entity is scanned. | Timestamp | 2023-01-03T12:00:00Z |
IsSymlink | Whether the entity is a symbolic link (True or False). | Boolean | False |
LinkType | The link type of the entity. | String | “<example>” |
PhysicalLocation | The physical location of the entity. | String | "ServerRoom1" |
Title | The title of the entity. | String | "2023 Sales Report" |
Author | The author of the entity. | String | "John Doe" |
Subject | The subject of the entity. | String | "Sales Analysis" |
Application | An application associated with the entity. | String | "Microsoft Excel" |
Producer | The producer of the entity. | String | "Microsoft" |
Version | A version of the entity. | String | "16.0" |
DocumentSize | The size of the document. | Integer | 102400 |
PageSize | The size of the page. | String | "A4" |
PageCount | Number of pages in the entity. | Integer | 10 |
Company | The company associated with the entity. | String | "Acme Corp" |
Paragraphs | The number of paragraphs in the entity. | Integer | 50 |
Lines | The number of lines in the entity. | Integer | 200 |
Words | The number of words in the entity. | Integer | 1000 |
Characters | The number of characters in the entity. | Integer | 5000 |
CharactersWithSpaces | The number of characters with spaces in the entity. | Integer | 6000 |
Language | The language of the entity. | String | "English" |
Checksum | The checksum of the entity. | String | "e4d909c290d0fb1ca068ffaddf22cbd0" |
PropertiesChecksum | The checksum of the properties of the entity. | String | "abcd1234efgh5678ijkl9012mnop3456" |
ChildDirs | The number of child directories. | Integer | 5 |
ChildFiles | The number of child files. | Integer | 20 |
ChildDirSize | The size of child directories. | Integer | 4096 |
ChildFileSize | The size of child files. | Integer | 8192 |
TotalChildDirs | The total number of child directories. | Integer | 5 |
TotalChildFiles | The total number of child files. | Integer | 20 |
TotalChildDirSize | The total size of child directories. | Integer | 4096 |
TotalChildFileSize | The total size of child files. | Integer | 8192 |
Entities Summary View
The Entities Summary View collection contains the details of an entity, such as type and the parent. The following table shows the details of the data available in this collection.
Field | Description | Data Type | Example Value |
_id | A unique identifier for the summary entry. | String | “11/XE/SYNTHEA/ALLERGIES” |
Name | The name of the entity. | String | "ALLERGIES" |
Type | The type of the entity (for example, file, table). | String | "TABLE" |
Parent | The parent entity identifier. | String | "11/XE/SYNTHEA" |
Entities Temperature Count View
The Entities Temperature View contains entity details emphasizing the categorization of data based on its temperature, which often indicates the frequency of access or modification, including the number of files. The following table shows the details of the data available in this collection.
Field | Description | Data Type | Example Value |
_id | A unique identifier for the temperature count entry. | String | "65d2f44dd30b49309488b9dd" |
DataSourceFqdnId | A fully qualified domain name identifier for the data source. | String | "5" |
Date | The date when the file count and temperature were recorded. | String | 2024-02-19TO6:25:17.918+00:00 |
FileCount | The number of files associated with the specified temperature. | String | 2 |
Temperature | The temperature category of the data (for example, unclassified, hot, warm, and cold). | String | "unclassified" |
Entity Usage Statistic View
The Entity Usage Statistic View collection includes a range of usage metrics, such as the number of times an entity is read, written to, and altered, along with the timestamp. The following table shows the details of the data available in this collection.
Field | Description | Data Type | Example Value |
_id | A unique identifier for the statistics view entry. | String | “11/XE/SYNTHEA/ALLERGIES” |
PeriodStartTime | The start time of the entity's profiling period, in ISO format. | Timestamp | 2023-12-14T15:00:00Z |
PeriodEndTime | The end time of the entity's profiling period, in ISO format. | Timestamp | 2023-12-14T15:05:00Z |
EntityID | A unique identifier for the entity. | String | "12" |
DatabaseName | The name of the database where the entity is located. | String | “Postgres” |
SchemaName | The name of the schema within the database. | String | “Chinook” |
TableName | The name of the table containing the entity. | String | “Album” |
LastReadTime | The timestamp of the last read operation on the entity, in ISO format | Timestamp | 2023-12-14T11:00:00Z |
LastWriteTime | The timestamp of the last write operation on the entity, in ISO format. | Timestamp | 2023-12-14T11:50:00Z |
LastAlterTime | The timestamp of the last modification to the entity in ISO format. | Timestamp | 2023-12-14T11:20:00Z |
ReadCount | The total number of times the entity has been read. | Integer | 120 |
WriteCount | The total number of times the entity has been written. | Integer | 45 |
AlterCount | The total number of times the entity has been altered. | Integer | 3 |
CollectionTime | The timestamp indicating when this data was collected, in ISO format. | Timestamp | 2023-12-16T15:00:00Z |
Terms View
The Terms View collection contains information of terms related to items. It gives a structured overview, linking terms to specific entities and domains. Each record uniquely identifies a term, its association with an entity, the domain it belongs to, and a unique term identifier, enabling a comprehensive semantic mapping of data assets. The following table shows the details of the data available in this collection.
Field | Description | Data Type | Example Value |
_id | A unique identifier for the term entry. | String | "abc12345-d678-90ef-ghij-klmn01234567" |
EntityId | A unique identifier for the associated entity. | String | "entity78901-2345-6789-abcd-ef0123456789" |
TermName | The name of the term. | String | "Customer Satisfaction Index" |
DomainId | An identifier for the domain the term belongs to. | String | "domain1234-5678-90ab-cdef-ghijklmnop" |
TermId | A unique identifier for the term. | String | "term5678-9012-3456-7890-abcd12345678" |