Assign a user to a role

Administer Pentaho Data Catalog

Part Number
In Data Catalog, you can assign users to roles to allow users to execute tasks according to their responsibilities. You can assign multiple users to a role.

Perform the following steps to assign a user to a role:

  1. From the Users card on the Manage Your Environment page, click Roles.
    The Roles page opens.
  2. Locate the role to which you want to assign the user, and click the View Details (>) icon at the end of the row.
    The role-specific page opens.
  3. Click Assign Users.
    The Users window opens.
  4. Select the check box for the user or users you want to assign to the role, and click Add.
    You are returned to the role-specific page, and the table of assigned users includes the added user or users.
  5. Click Save Changes.
  6. Click Close to close the confirmation window.
The user or users are assigned to the role.