Configure a rule

Administer Pentaho Data Catalog

Part Number
After you create a business rule, you can configure it in the Configuration view of the Business Rule page. This task assumes you have completed Create a rule and are on the Business Rules page.
  1. Locate the business rule you want to configure in the table of rules and select the View Details button (>) in its row.
  2. If you have a large number of rules, select Show Filters to help you find the rule you want to edit.
    The Business Rules page opens to the Details view for the selected rule.
  3. (Optional) Click Configuration tab and select the Business Rule Type.
    The business rule type helps you differentiate between rules.
  4. (Optional) Select the Data Quality Dimension to differentiate between different quality rules that you create. Options are Accuracy, Uniqueness, Consistency, Timeliness, Conformity, Completeness, and Validity.
  5. Set the schedule to run the business rule, select one of the following schedules:
    • Daily
    • Weekly
    • Monthly
  6. Set the rule scope and condition:
    1. Select resources on which you want the rule to be evaluated and applied. Select the target table or column.
    2. Define the rule's condition for evaluation using the SQL query. Write an SQL query to identify non-compliant data by returning rows that do not match compliant rows and the scope count.

      In the following SQL example Customer table is selected to identify the customers with missing fax numbers.

      	count(*) total_count,
      	count(c."Fax") scopeCount,
      		WHEN c."Fax" isnull THEN 1
      		ELSE 0
      	END) nonCompliant
      FROM chinook."Customer" c

    total_count: The total number of rows in the Fax column in the Customer table.

    scopeCount: The number of customers with a fax number value in the Fax column.

    nonCompliant: The number of customers missing the value in the Fax column.

  7. In Configure Rule Actions, click Add Action, to add actions like Set Status, Apply Tags, and Webhook
    Set the threshold at either a percentage or a specified row count and add the following action
    • Set Status: Set thresholds for PASS, WARNING, and FAIL status.
    • Apply Tags: If the threshold is met the tags are applied to the resource.
    • Webhook: Configure an external system capable of receiving HTTP requests. If the condition is met the extersyatem will receive a notification.
  8. If the rule configuration values are entered correctly, click Save Changes.
    If there is a problem while saving your rule, an error message appears indicating the problem. Fix the problem and save changes.
  9. To execute the rule, click Run Now at the top right of the page.
  10. You can monitor the progress on the Workers page.
Your created and configured business rule appears on the Business Rules page. Select the rule if you want to view execution details, run, edit, or remove the rule.