DynamoDB data source

Administer Pentaho Data Catalog

Part Number
Perform the following steps to identify your data source within Data Catalog:
  1. Click Management in the left toolbar.
    The Manage Your Environment page opens.
  2. In the Resources tile, click Add Data Source.
    The Create Data Source page opens.
  3. Specify the following basic information for the connection to your data source:
    Field Description
    Data Source Name Specify the name of your data source. This name is used in the Data Catalog interface. It should be something your Data Catalog users recognize.
    Note: Names must start with a letter, and must contain only letters, digits, and underscores. White spaces in names are not supported.
    Data Source ID (Optional) Specify a permanent identifier for your data source. If you leave this field blank, Data Catalog generates a permanent identifier for you.
    Note: You cannot modify Data Source ID for this data source after you specify or generate it.
    Description (Optional) Specify a description of your data source.
    Data Source Type Select the database type of your source. You are then prompted to specify additional connection information based on the file system or database type you are trying to access.
  4. After you have specified the basic information, specify the following additional connection information based on the file system or database type you are trying to access.
    Field Description

    This default setting specifies which agents should be associated with the data source in a multi-agent deployment.

    Region Geographical location where AWS maintains a cluster of data centers.
    Access Key and Secret Key AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key that are used for authentication and authorization when interacting with DynamoDB.

    After you have specified the detailed information according to your data source type, test the connection to the data source and add the data source.

  5. Click Test Connection to test your connection to the specified data source.
  6. (Optional) Enter a Note for any information you need to share with others who might access this data source.
  7. Click Create Data Source to establish your data source connection.
  8. Click Scan Files. This process loads files and folders to the system.
    You can monitor the status of the file scan on the Workers page.