Tour of the Home page

Use Pentaho Data Catalog

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The Home page provides a central location for accessing the business tools available to you based on your role, such as data canvas, business glossary, management, and workers. You can also access your user profile from the top menu bar, or use the menu bar on the left to navigate to different features in the product.

User menu bar

Access the top user menu totomanage your user profile, manage assigned data sources, and log out. View the following table for details about these features:

Icon Name Function

Apps icon
Apps Click to explore all apps associated with Data Catalog, including Dashboard, that extend the visual discovery and relationship discovery capabilities of Data Catalog.

Profile Icon
Profile Click the Profile icon to open the User Profile and Data Sources where the user can manage the details and assign data sources with the required access levels.

More icon
More Click the More icon and select Log Out to log out of Data Catalog
  Edit Click Edit to open the Landing Page Options window, where you can configure the landing page with available options in Shortcuts and Tables. Additionally, you can choose to have a vertical or stacked layout in Layout.

Left navigation menu quick access cards

Use the navigation menu bar on the left of the page to access the key features available to you in Data Catalog. You can expand and collapse the menu to have a better view. The following is a list of the menu icons and what features they open:
Icon Name Feature

Home Returns you to the Home page from your current location in Data Catalog.

Data Canvas icon
Data Canvas Explore your data in the Data Canvas. For more information, see Data Canvas.

Glossary icon
Glossary Opens the Business Glossary page where you can create, organize, and curate business terms to help you navigate your data. For more information, see Business Glossary.

Management icon
Management Manage your data sources, users, user roles, workers, business rules, schedules, dictionaries, and more in the Manage Your Environment page.

Workers icon
Workers Monitor the data activities’ progress on the Worker’s screen.For more information, see the Administer Pentaho Data Catalog document.

Quick access cards

When you navigate to the Home page, you can see quick access cards for PDC features. Based on the options selected in the Landing Page Option, it displays the following widgets.

Card Description
Explore your data Click Open Data Canvas, and it takes you to the Data Canvas page, where you can explore your data. For more information, see Data Canvas.
Organise your data Click Open Business Glossary, and it takes you to the Business Glossary page, where you can create, organize, and curate business terms to help you navigate your data. For more information, see Business Glossary.
Manage your data Click Open Management, and it takes you to the Manage Your Environment page, where you can manage your data sources, users, user roles, workers, business rules, schedules, dictionaries, and more.

In addition, based on the layout selected (vertical or stacked) in the Landing Page Option, you can view the following tables in different stacks.

Table Description
Tasks Quick look at the tasks assigned to you.
Mentions List of any @mentions against usernames with minimal information around the asset at a path like comments.
Processed Items Quick overview of recently processed items with activity, type, name, and end time. You can also expand to view details of the individual activity.