Re-registering each product in Common Services

Ops Center Installation and Configuration Guide

Part Number

If you reset the trust relationships with each product, you must re-register each product registered in Common Services. If you use the csreregisterapp command, you can re-register each of the products in Common Services at once.

Run the csreregisterapp command on the management server where the product you want to re-register is installed. To run the command on a management server and Analyzer probe server where Common Services is not installed, obtain the csreregisterapp command in advance. You can obtain the csreregisterapp command by getting utility.tar from the following installation media and extracting the files:

  • root-directory-of-the-Common-Services-installation-media/utility.tar
  • root-directory-of-the-Server-Express-installer-media/COMMONSERVICES/utility.tar
  • root-directory-of-the-Client-Express-installer-media/COMMONSERVICES/utility.tar

The csreregisterapp command is stored in the following directory after the files are extracted from utility.tar:


  1. Log in to the management server as the root user.
    If you log in as an ordinary user, use the sudo command to complete the following procedure as the root user.
  2. Run the csreregisterapp command.
    Command location
    If Common Services is installed on the management server:
    If Common Services is not installed on the management server:
    Format [-cshost host-name-or-IP-address-of-Common-Services] [-csport port-number-of-Common-Services] [-apphost host-name-or-IP-address-of-Product]
    -cshost host-name-or-IP-address-of-Common-Services
    Specify the host name (FQDN) or IP address for the URL to access Common Services. If you omit this option, the host name of the server on which the command was run will be specified. Specify this option if either of the following applies:
    • If you are specifying the host name in FQDN format or IP address for the URL to access Common Services
    • If the products to be re-registered and Common Services are installed on separate management servers
    -csport port-number-of-Common-Services
    Specify the port number for the URL to access Common Services. If you omit this option, 443 will be specified.
    -apphost host-name-or-IP-address-of-Product
    Specify the host name (FQDN) or IP address for the URL to access the product to be re-registered in Common Services. If you omit this option, the host name of the server on which the command was run will be specified. Specify this option if you specified a host name in FQDN format or IP address for the URL to access the product you want to re-register.
  3. Specify the user and password for Common Services.
    Specify a user who belongs to the opscenter-administrators group.
  4. When re-registering Administrator, specify whether to verify the SSL certificate for communications with Common Services. To perform verification, specify y, and then specify the root certificate of the certificate authority that signed the Common Services server certificate by using the absolute path.
  5. When you have finished running the command, the results will be displayed. Products for which failed is displayed could not be re-registered. Check the cause by referring to the log files in the following storage locations, and then rerun the command.
    If Common Services is installed on the management server:
    If Common Services is not installed on the management server: