Prerequisites and cautions for recovering Hitachi Ops Center applications

Ops Center Installation and Configuration Guide

Part Number
Depending on the Hitachi Ops Center application, there are restrictions on how you can recover an application. For example, you cannot recover all applications when using a different IP address, host name, or Hitachi Ops Center version. For details, see the following table.
Application Move data to different host name Move data to different IP address Move data to different Hitachi Ops Center version
Administrator Supported1 Supported1 Supported
Automator Not supported Not supported Not supported
Common Services Supported2 Supported2 Not supported
Analyzer Supported Supported Not supported
Analyzer viewpoint Not supported Not supported Not supported
API Configuration Manager Not supported Not supported Not supported
Protector Supported
Note: The original Master Node name appears in the GUI and cannot be changed.
Supported Not supported
  1. Each individual OVA has a separate OS setting, so the host information will be the same as the original.
  2. The installation path must be the same as the original.
Note: By default, the recovery process uses /tmp for temporary storage. You can change this location by using the system environment variable (UBI_BACKUP_TMP_DIR). The location must be an absolute path (no symbolic links). You can set UBI_BACKUP_TMP_DIR as follows:
  1. Open the /etc/systemd/system.conf file and add the following:
  2. Restart the OS.