Setting up online migration consists of several steps. However, many of the steps are now automated when you use the Ops Center Automator Online Migration service. The following procedure provides the steps required to set up and migrate online data when using the service.
- If GAD is not set up, complete the steps in Setting up global-active device.
Verify the setup prerequisites and required software listed in Online Migration service template prerequisites. The setup prerequisites consist of creating
various Ops Center Protector resources as well as setting up SSL to implement
secure communications between the Ops Center Protector server and the Ops Center Automator server.
For more information, see Setting up secure communication with a Ops Center Protector server.
Install and register the
Ops Center Protector client module.
- Install the Ops Center Protector client module on the pair management server used by Ops Center Protector.
Register the
Ops Center Protector client module in the
Ops Center Protector server.
Note: This is unnecessary if Ops Center Protector is installed on a single host.
Complete the following resource setup steps using either
Command Control Interface (CCI) or
Storage Navigator.
- Register resources to the VSM.
- If you want to specify the source resource as Volumes, identify the volume to migrate.
- Delete any replication pairs in the source migration source volume.
If a local/remote pair is set in the migration source volume, the GAD pair is not created.Note: If you specify Migrate the volumes with Asynchronous Remote Clone pairs option, the GAD pair is created even if an asynchronous remote clone pair is set in the migration source volume. In this case, deleting asynchronous remote clone pairs is not required.
Complete the following
Ops Center Protector setup steps. You complete these steps one time and do not need to repeat them.
- In Ops Center Protector, verify that the primary (source) storage system and the secondary (target) storage system are registered as a Hitachi Block Device Node.
- In Ops Center Protector, create a dataflow to use as a template for GAD pair creation.
Ops Center Automator, verify that the following web service connections exist. If not, create them as needed.
Note: If you plan to set up secure communication between Ops Center Automator and any of the following servers, you must do so before you create the web service connection. For additional information, see the setup prerequisites listed in Online Migration service template prerequisites.
- Web service connection to the Ops Center Protector server.
- (Optionally) Web service connection to the Ops Center Administrator server where the migration source host is registered.
- (Optionally) Web service connection to the Brocade Network Advisor (BNA) or Data Center Network Manager (DCNM) server.
For more information, see Configuring Web Service Connections.
Ops Center Automator, complete the following steps:
- On the Services tab, select the Online Migration service, and in the service preview pane, click Create Request.
Configure the Online Migration service by entering the required
information. For more information on the required parameter settings,
see Online Migration: Service details.
The configuration information you enter enables the service to complete the required tasks when you run the Online Migration service.
- Submit the service.
The service completes the following actions:- Creates a diskless Quorum for use with Global-Active Device. Acquires and creates a free Quorum ID common to the source storage system and target storage system.
- Creates the zone information between the target storage and the host.
- Creates a Global-Active Device pair on Ops Center Protector by using the specified DataFlow. Note: The service waits until the initial copy process of the Global-Active Device pair creation process finishes before starting the next action.
- Reclaims zero pages of Global-Active Device S-Vol if the property is selected in the UI.
- Creates asynchronous remote clone pairs with Ops Center Protector if the source volumes have asynchronous remote clone pairs.
- Waits for the initial copy completion of asynchronous remote clone pairs if the source volumes have asynchronous remote clone pairs.
- Allocates a path
on the target volume that matches the path on the source volume.
After finishing the path allocation, the service pauses and waits for you to verify that you have completed the next tasks manually.
Note: If you specify the same Source Storage and Target Storage in the Online Migration service and submit multiple tasks at the same time, the tasks might fail. In this case, check the pair status of the specified Source Volume. If the Global-Active Device pair was created, delete it, and then resubmit the task. -
Switch the path from the source volume to the target volume so that the host recognizes the target volume path using one of the following methods.
- Log in to the host and use the multipath management software to switch the path.
- If the host is in a cluster configuration, use the cluster management software to change the settings.
Return to the
Ops Center Automator UI and do the following:
In the
Ops Center Automator
Task window, click
Input Reponse and then click
The service starts running again and continues with the following automated actions:
- Deletes the Global-Active Device pair with Ops Center Protector.
- Unallocates the source volume and path with Ops Center API Configuration Manager.
- Deletes the diskless Quorum if you are using diskless Quorum.
- Deletes any existing asynchronous remote clone pairs of the source volumes.
- (Optionally) Deletes the source
volume and the unnecessary Host Group using Ops Center API Configuration Manager. Note: Do not select this option during template configuration if you want to return to the original status if the migration fails.
After the service finishes running, verify that the task completed successfully.
You are now finished in the Ops Center Automator UI.
In the
Ops Center Automator
Task window, click
Input Reponse and then click
Configure the replication of the target volume by restoring the backup of the local/remote pair that you deleted in step 4c.
You can do this with either Command Control Interface (CCI) or Storage Navigator.