The setupcommonservice command is a setting command for linking with Common Services. The setupcommonservice command registers Ops Center Automator as an application in Common Services and sets Ops Center Automator as an authentication server that uses Common Services.
The setupcommonservice command registers the Ops Center Automator URL in Common Services. The URL to be registered uses the URL registered in the hcmds64chgurl command. Confirm in advance that the URL registered in hcmds64chgurl can be resolved by the browser, then run the setupcommonservice command.
This command needs a secure connection between Ops Center Common Services and Ops Center Automator.
Windows syntax:
setupcommonservice {[/csUri CommonServiceUri | /csUri CommonServiceUri /csUsername CommonServiceUsername] [/appName ApplicationName] [/appDescription ApplicationDescription] [ /auto ] | /help }
Linux syntax:
setupcommonservice {[-csUri CommonServiceUri | -csUri CommonServiceUri -csUsername CommonServiceUsername] [-appName ApplicationName] [-appDescription ApplicationDescription] [ -auto ] | -help }
Option | Description |
csUri | Specify the URL of Common Services. (For example: https://common.service/portal) |
csUsername | Specify a user with opscenter-security-administrator privileges
to be managed by Common Services. The username can be
1-byte alphanumeric characters. This includes (! # $% & '() *
+-. = @ ^ _ |). The length is from 1 to 255 characters. Usernames
are case-sensitive. You are prompted to enter the password when you run the command with this option. |
appName | Specify the name of the Ops Center Automator to be displayed by Common Services. The name is specified with 1 to 128 characters. If appName is omitted at the time of new registration, the host name or IP address of Ops Center Automator is set as the name. If appName is omitted when updating, the name is not changed. |
appDescription | Specify a description of the Ops Center Automator displayed by Common Services. The description can be from 0 to 512 characters. |
auto | Automatically start and stop the services and databases of Ops Center Automator. |