Importing certificates for web service connections

Nondisruptive Migration with Ops Center

Part Number

You must import Web Service Connection certificates to the truststore of the Common Component.

When using server certificates for Web Service Connections such as the following, you must import the certificates to the truststore of the Common Component:
  • Ops Center
  • Ops Center Administrator
  • Ops Center Analyzer
  • Device Manager

    When using Device Manager, import the certificates for port 22016 that are used by the Common Component.

  • Configuration Manager
  • VMware vCenter
  • BNA
  • DCNM
  • Other web service connections

You must also import the following certificates:

  • certificate authority
  • intermediate certificate authority
  • route certificate authority

In some cases, well-known certificate authority certificates may already be imported. In this case, this procedure is unnecessary.

In Windows OS, use the hcmds64keytool command. For UNIX OS, use standard keytool. To import the certificate in Java, ensure that the truststore password includes six or more characters. In addition, ensure that the new alias name does not conflict with an existing alias name.

For Windows OS:

Common-Component-installation-folder\bin\hcmds64keytool -import -alias alias-name -keystore Common-Component-installation-folder\uCPSB
\jdk\jre\lib\security\jssecacerts -storepass truststore-password -file certificate-file

Restart the services by running the hcmds64srv command.


Common-Component-installation-directory/uCPSB/jre/jdk/bin/keytool  -import -alias alias-name -keystore Common-Component-installation-directory/uCPSB/jdk/jre/lib/security/jssecacerts -storepass truststore-password -file certificate-file

Restart the services by running the hcmds64srv command.

Additional guidelines

  • For additional information on the security settings for another product, see the associated documentation. For example, for VMware vCenter, see the VMware documentation.
  • To obtain server certificates, see the associated product documentation for information on accessing server certificates.