Online Migration with Ops Center Automator and Configuration Manager

Nondisruptive Migration with Ops Center

Part Number

Use the Ops Center Automator Online Migration with Configuration Manager service templates to migrate volumes or hosts from one Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) storage system to another.

Online Migration with Configuration Manager consists of the following service templates:

Create Online Migration Pair
Enables you to run a service from the creation of zones to the creation of copy pairs for online host migration through Configuration Manager. After this service is complete, you must submit the Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair service to complete the migration.
Create Online Migration Pairs for Multiple Hosts
Enables you to submit a Create Online Migration Pair service task for each specified host. After the auto-submitted tasks are complete, you must submit the Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair service for each task to complete the migration.
Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair
Enables you to run a service from the swap of copy pairs to the deletion of source volumes for online host migration through Configuration Manager. Before submitting this service, the Create Online Migration Pair service must be completed.
Clean up Online Migration Pair
Enables you to clean up the resources created by the Create Online Migration Pair task.