The following request registers a user group.
Execution permission
You must be a system administrator or a security administrator.
Request line
POST base-URL/security/v1/user-groups
Request message
- Object ID
- None.
- Query parameters
- None.
- Body
{ "name": "group_1", "description": "description group_1" }
(Required) Name of the user group
Specify a character string that is no more than 255 characters.
You can use the following characters:
0-9 A-Z a-z ! # $ & ' ( ) + - . = @ [ ] ^ _ ` { } ~ $ space character
You cannot specify space character at the start or end.
(Optional) Description of the user group
Specify a character string that is no more than 255 characters.
Coding example
curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -s "" -d @./request.json -H "Authorization:Bearer eyJhbxxx"
Tip: Because this request uses SSL
communication, you must either run the curl command with the root
certificate of the Common Services server certificate
specified for the --cacert option, or run the command with the
-k option specified. (The -k option runs the command by
ignoring SSL errors.)