SQL Server Revert Wizard

Ops Center Protector Microsoft SQL Application Guide

Part Number
When reverting snapshots or local replications created by a policy containing a Microsoft SQL Server classification, Protector will first display the following wizard pages, allowing application specific options to be configured.
Figure. Microsoft SQL Revert Type
Control Description
Revert Type


Performs an offline revert. This will take the instance offline and detach the reverted databases. All databases attached to this instance will be temporarily offline.

It is possible to revert multiple system and/or user databases at the same time.


Reverts user databases without affecting other databases attached to the target instance. To manually apply transaction logs, auto recovery must be skipped.

Warning: Only possible if the block-based backup contains exactly a single user database.
Refer to About reverting Microsoft SQL Server block-based backups for more details on both options.
Perform auto-recover


Selecting this will automatically recover the database(s) in the backup and bring them online. Once the database is recovered, it is not possible to apply transaction logs.


De-Select if you want to manually roll forward to a point in time later than what is captured by the block-based backup. The database will not be accessible to users until transaction logs have been applied manually.

Figure. Microsoft SQL - Select Database to attach
Note: This step only applies when performing an offline revert of user databases.
Control Description
Database list Select which databases should be attached after revert completes.
Figure. Microsoft SQL- Confirm Revert
Control Description
Revert warnings

This wizard page will list issues which will prevent Protector from performing a regular revert.

In case any issues are listed here, it is recommended to mount the database instead of reverting it and restore the database manually from the mounted volume.

If any issues are found, it will only be possible to continue by selecting the force flag.

Fore revert option
This flag will instruct Protector to ignore problems preventing a regular revert.
Warning: Only select this option if you understand the implications. In most cases, it is better to mount the block-based backup and restore the database manually. Selecting this may cause data loss on the source system.