SQL Server Mount Wizard

Ops Center Protector Microsoft SQL Application Guide

Part Number
When mounting block snapshots or replications created by a policy containing a Microsoft SQL Server classification, it is possible to choose between various levels of mount.
Figure. Mount Wizard - Select Mount Level
Control Description
SAN Adds the snapshot or replication to a Host Group
Host Adds the snapshot or replication to a Host Group and confirms that it is available from the specified Host.
OS Adds the snapshot or replication to a Host Group and mounts it on the specified Host's operating system.
SQL Mount Adds the snapshot or replication to the Host Group(s) of a Microsoft SQL Server environment and attaches the database to an selected instance.

In case SQL Mount is selected, Protector will display the following additional wizard pages that allow application specific options to be configured:

Figure. Mount Wizard - Select target instance
Control Description
Node The SQL Server node representing the target Microsoft SQL Server environment.
Instance The target instance the databases should be attached to.
Username Username used to attach the database to the target instance. Refer to Microsoft SQL Server User Privileges for more details.
Password Password for the user specified above.
Figure. Mount Wizard - Select Database to Mount
Control Description
Database list Select which databases should be attached to the previously selected target instance. At least one database must be selected to proceed.
Figure. Mount Wizard - Review Database to Mount
Control Description
Database list Lists the previously selected databases for review.
New database name Defines the name of the mounted database on the target instance. The default value is the original name of the database, except for system database for which the Protector will suggest an alternate name.
Note: Database names must be unique on the target instance. Ensure you do not define a name which is already in use by the target instance.