How to revert a user database online without affecting other databases in the same instance.

Ops Center Protector Microsoft SQL Application Guide

Part Number

Protector can revert SQL Server environments to a state captured in a block-based SQL Server backup.

It is assumed that a SQL Server policy that created hardware snapshots or replications has been implemented and that at least one snapshot or replication has been created. See How to create database restore points with block snapshots for guidance on how to do this.

In addition, your SQL Server instance must meet the requirements for an online revert. Please refer to About reverting Microsoft SQL Server block-based backups for details.

This task describes the steps to follow when performing an online revert of a single user database.

  1. Identify the SQL Node which was used to create the backup and locate it in the Nodes Inventory. Check the node is online and authorized.
  2. Locate the block-based SQL Server backup by clicking the Restore link on the Navigation Sidebar to open the Restore Dashboard. Then use the search options to locate the backup you want to revert.
  3. Select the backup and click Revert to open the SQL Server Revert Wizard.
  4. Select online revert. Then select auto-recover to bring the database online at the end the revert process. Click Next.

    For more information regarding different revert types, please refer to About reverting Microsoft SQL Server block-based backups.

  5. Check that there are no warnings. Click Next.
    Warning: Do not select the force revert option. Refer to About reverting Microsoft SQL Server block-based backups for more details about force revert.
  6. To ensure the user does not accidentally perform a revert, you must type REVERT in uppercase, then click Finish.
    A Processing message will appear briefly, then the wizard will close, and the Jobs Inventory will be displayed. A new Job will appear at the top of the Jobs list, with the Progress entry initially indicating processing and finally showing successful completion.
  7. Once the revert job completes successfully, the user database will be attached and accessible.