Hyper-V Node Wizard

Ops Center Protector Microsoft Hyper-V Application Guide

Part Number

This wizard is launched when a new Hyper-V Node is added to the Nodes Inventory.

Figure. Hyper-V Node Wizard - Specify Node name
Control Description
Node Name Enter a name for the Hyper-V node.
Tags Add the tags to be associated with the object being created
Figure. Hyper-V Node Wizard - Allocate node to Access Control Resource Group
Control Description
Resource Groups Select the resource group(s) to which this node will be allocated for the purposes of RBAC. All nodes are automatically allocated to the 'default' resource group.
Figure. Hyper-V Node Wizard - Select node running Hyper-V server
Control Description
Node running Hyper-V Select an OS Host node which is part of the Microsoft Hyper-V standalone or cluster environment
Username Enter the username that will be used to perform backups and restores on this Hyper-V environment. The user requires privileges as detailed in Microsoft Hyper-V user privileges.
Password Enter the password for the username provided above
Figure. Hyper-V Node Wizard - Discover Hyper-V environment
Control Description
Configuration to protect Select the Hyper-V environment you want this node to represent
Rediscover Hyper-V Environment Click in case you want to refresh the list of available Hyper-V configuration
Figure. Hyper-V Node Wizard - Summary
Control Description
Summary Summary of the settings entered.