How to restore VMs from a block snapshot or replication

Ops Center Protector Microsoft Hyper-V Application Guide

Part Number

It is assumed that a Hyper-V policy that creates hardware snapshots or replications has been implemented and that at least one snapshot or replication has been created. See How to create VM restore points with block snapshots for an example of how to do this.

This task describes the steps to follow when using a block snapshot or replication backup to:
  • restore entire VMs
  • clone entire VMs for repurposing
All the above scenarios follow the same basic workflow:
  1. Identify the destination where the VMs are to be restored, then ensure that it is prepared to receive them by locating the Hyper-V Server node in the Nodes Inventory and checking it is authorized and online.
    When restoring virtual machines to the original system and location, ensure that the virtual machine and its directories no longer exist.
  2. Locate the snapshot or replication to be restored by navigating to the Restore Dashboard, then click the Hitachi Block button to open the Block Restore Inventory.
    You must click the Search button to view the list of available snapshots and replications in the inventory.
  3. Click on the snapshot or replication that you want to restore to open the Block Snapshot/Replication Details.
    The snapshot or replication details are displayed, along with the list of VMs in this backup.
  4. Click Restore to open the Hyper-V Restore Wizard to restore the original VMs or create clones.
  5. Select the option to restore selected virtual machines. Click next.
  6. Select the VMs for the restore. Click next.
  7. Choose whether to restore to the Original location or create a Clone. Click Next.
  8. If creating a Clone:
    1. Specify a Cloned Virtual Machine Name Prefix, this will be prepended to the existing name of each VM being restored.
    2. Specify a destination Hyper-V node and directory.
  9. Select virtual machine restore options as detailed in Hyper-V Restore Wizard – Virtual Machine restore options options. Click Next
  10. Select the mount mode and specify the Mount Pool if necessary, then click Finish. The mount mode determines how the temporary volume, from which the backed up VM(s) are to be taken, will be created during the restore process. For replications, the mount mode is always set to Mount original.
    Select the mount mode depending on the behaviour required:
    • Mount original - Mounts the original (Level 1) snapshot and copies the virtual machine data to the target location. Virtual machines will be copied before they are registered with Hyper-V. Virtual machines will also only powered on once the copy is complete.

      This option will expose your original backup to the Hyper-V host. Any changes will persist even after the unmount. While Protector will not perform any changes, nothing is preventing users or other processes from modifying the data.

    • Mount duplicate - Protector will create a cascaded duplicate of the original snapshot and perform the restore from the duplicate. The original snapshot is preserved. Use Cascade mode (the default setting) in the Block Snapshot Configuration Wizard when assigning the snapshot operation on the data flow to enable Mount duplicate when restoring.
    A Processing message will appear briefly, then the wizard will close and the Jobs Inventory will be displayed. A new Restore Job will appear at the top of the Jobs list, with the Progress entry initially indicating processing and finally indicating successful completion.
  11. Once the restore process is complete, further steps may be needed to fix-up the VM(s).
    The amount of fix-up work required depends on the applications accessing or running on the restored VM(s).
  12. Restart any applications that access or run on the restored VM(s).
  13. Resume any backup policies for the restored VM(s). If you have restored data to a new location for repurposing (test and development work for example), you should consider if it is necessary to implement a new backup policy to protect this new instance(s).
    When restoring virtual machines to the original location, they will get a new ID. Due to this, existing policies may no longer cover them if the VMs were explicitly selected for backup. Use the preview functionality of the Hyper-V Classification Wizard to ensure that the virtual machines are included in future backups.