About Hyper-V policy classifications

Ops Center Protector Microsoft Hyper-V Application Guide

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The Hyper-V policy classification defines which virtual machines will be protected to which level of consistency as part of a policy.

When items are added to the inclusion or exclusion lists displayed in the Hyper-V Classification Wizard, the Hyper-V Resource Selection Wizard is launched. This wizard enables virtual machines to be selected based via browsing, or by pattern matching of virtual machine name, configuration path or host running the VM.

The list of VMs included in the classification is evaluated at different times depending on how they are specified:

Evaluation is only performed once, when browsing and selecting the virtual machine directly.

Evaluation is done every time the operation is triggered if VMs are:
  • Implicitly selected using a virtual machine location (path) or virtual machine host (hypervisor)
  • Specified using a name pattern (i.e. using wildcards, e.g. Sales*)
Tip: With this method of classification, VMs will be automatically added to the backup (without reactivating the data flow) when they are added to a selected path or host or given a name that matches the defined pattern. For continuous replications it will be necessary to trigger the relevant operation to cause re-evaluation
Every Hyper-V object selected in the classification is resolved to a list of VMs. For example, when selecting a virtual machine location, all VMs with configurations in that location are selected. If any included VMs utilize additional paths, these will be added too. This ensures that backed up virtual machines can be fully restored.
Tip: Use the preview selection functionality of the Hyper-V Classification Wizard to preview which VMs will be included for a given Hyper-V Node based on the provided inclusion and exclusion lists.