Disabling SAN Transport Restore for selected VMs

Ops Center Protector VMware Application Guide

Part Number

Where SAN transport has been selected as an available recovery transport method it may be desirable to disable it for selected Virtual Machines. This is specified using the “NonSanRestores" list defined in the Protector config file “hbb-vmware-adaptor.cfg” (found in the db/config Protector directory). The name(s) used should be the Virtual Machine name as it appears in the recovery point (i.e. The name of the backed up VM). An example is shown below.

Sample from a hbb-vmware-adapter.cfg file that enables SAN recovery as an available transport option, unless it is one of the VMs specified in the NonSanRestores list.

<item name="RecoveryTransportMethods" argtype="single">
  <value type="string">hotadd:san:nbdssl:nbd</value>
<item argtype="list" name="NonSanRestores">
    <item argtype="single" name="value">
        <value type="string">JS-Win10-San</value>
    <item argtype="single" name="value">
        <value type="string">JS-linux-san</value>