The following message is logged in vRO when running the 'Ad Hoc Backup' workflow:
(com.hitachivantara.protector.backup/performAdHocBackupOf) Error in (Dynamic Script Module name : performAdHocBackupOf#9) MasterException[failed to associate Tag [name: Protector Ad Hoc, Id: urn:vmomi:InventoryServiceTag:...] to VM [vm-...], Cause: VMwareException[Tagging cardinality violation] ]
For the vRO Ad Hoc Backup Workflow to work, it needs to tag the desired VM with the ‘HDID/Protector Ad Hoc’ tag.
The error ‘Tagging cardinality violation’ indicates that the VM already has a tag that belongs to the same tag category as the 'HDID/Protector Ad Hoc' tag. And that this tag category is restricted to “Tags Per Object: One tag”. As such only one tag from the category can be assigned to the desired VM.
Move the 'HDID/Protector Ad Hoc' tag into its own category.
If you cannot create a new category, then alter the category tag cardinality such that
“Tags Per Object” is “Many tags”. (See screenshot below)
Figure. Creating a new Category for vRO tags