Hitachi Block VMware Mount Wizard

Ops Center Protector VMware Application Guide

Part Number

This wizard is displayed when you mount a VMware snapshot or replication from a Hitachi Block device.

Figure. Mount VMware Wizard - Select Mount Level
Control Description
SAN Expose this record to a Host Group
VMware mount Mount the disks of a VM from the record, to a target VM
Figure. Mount VMware Wizard - Select Host Group
Control Description
Host Group Host Group to expose the record to. Multiple Host Groups can be added
Figure. Mount VMware Wizard - Select Virtual Machine
Control Description
Virtual Machine Select the specific VM within this snapshot that is to have its disks mounted.
Figure. Mount VMware Wizard - Select Virtual Machine to Mount to
Control Description
VMware Node Select the VMware Host or vCenter where the VM's disks will be mounted.
Destination Select the VMware Datacenter, sub-folder and VM where the VM's disks will be mounted.
Figure. Mount VMware Wizard - Select Mount Mode
Control Description
Mount Original Mounts the VM's VMDKs using the replication or the original (Level 1) snapshot.
Any changes made to the VMDKs will persist when they are unmounted.
Mount duplicate (cascaded snapshot) Not available for replications. Only enabled if the original (Level 1) snapshot was created in cascade mode. Mounts the VM's VMDKs using a copy of the original snapshot (i.e. a Level 2 snapshot).
Any changes made to the VMDKs will be lost when they are unmounted.
Mount Pool Not available for replications. Depending on the parameters specified for the snapshot operation on the data flow, a mount pool might be required. A message is displayed in a blue rectangle to explain if and why a mount pool is required.