VMware Resource Selection Wizard

Ops Center Protector VMware Application Guide

Part Number

This wizard is displayed when the user includes or excludes VMware resources in a policy.

Protector tracks VMware resources via their MoRef (Managed Object Reference). If a resource's MoRef is changed then it will not be included in the backup and a warning will be logged. Tracking resources via their MoRef means that they will be included in the backup even if vMotion moves them.
Figure. VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - Select method
Control Description
Browse for resources Select this option to browse for VMware resources in similar ways to those provided in vSphere Client. See VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - Browse By below.
Specify resource by name or wildcard Select this option to specify a resource by type and name pattern match. See VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - Specify name or wildcard below.
Figure. VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - Browse by
This page of the wizard is displayed when the Browse for resources selection method is specified in the initial wizard page above.
Control Description
Virtual Machines, Templates and Folders Displays a hierarchical view ordered by datacenters, folders, and virtual machines and templates.
Virtual Machines and Templates Displays a flat list of virtual machines and templates ordered alphabetically.
Hosts and Clusters Displays a hierarchical view ordered by datacenters, hosts and virtual machines.
Hosts Displays a flat list of hosts ordered alphabetically.
Storage Displays a hierarchical view ordered by datacenters and datastores.
Datastores Displays a flat list of datastores ordered alphabetically.
Resource Pools Displays a flat list of resource pools ordered alphabetically.
Datacenters Displays a flat list of datacenters ordered alphabetically.
vApps Displays a flat list of vApps ordered alphabetically.
Tags Displays a flat list of tags ordered alphabetically.
Note: To browse by tags, the VMware proxy node must have PowerCLI installed. Refer to VMware Product Interoperability Matrices for vCenter Server/PowerCLI version compatibility.
Figure. VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - Virtual Machines, Templates and Folders Hierarchy
In a hierarchical view it is possible to select or deselect entire trees, sub-trees and individual nodes. For example, the screen-shot above shows the entire Sustaining datacenter selected, but with the Alison folder and the IH_Client5 virtual machine deselected from a backup policy.
Figure. VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - Virtual Machines and Templates List
In a flat list view it is possible to select or deselect multiple items of the same type.
Figure. VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - Hosts and Clusters Hierarchy
Figure. VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - Hosts List
Figure. VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - Storage Hierarchy
Figure. VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - Datastores List
Figure. VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - vApps List
Figure. VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - Tags List
Figure. VMware Resource Selection for Inclusion/Exclusion Wizard - Specify name or wildcard
This page of the wizard is displayed when the Specify resource by name or wildcard selection method is specified in the initial wizard page above.
Control Description
Resource Type Select a VMware resource type that will be matched by the provided name pattern.
Pattern Enter a case insensitive pattern that will be used to match the resource type by name. The '*' character can be used to match any sequence of characters. E.g.: IH_* would match any resource of the given type who's name begins IH_.
Note: Resources are re-evaluated against the name pattern every time the policy is executed. New resources having a name that matches this pattern, added after the policy is activated, will be automatically included in the backup.