Install Protector on each of the nodes in the Windows cluster as described in How to install a Protector master or client on a Windows cluster.
During installation, a local administrator account is used. To complete a cluster installation, a domain administrator account must be set up within Protector that is available to all nodes in the cluster:
- Navigate to the Protector web UI using the IP address for the Cofio Hub service.
- Log in using the local machine's administrator@master credentials.
Add an Authentication Space that will perform authentication for the
- Specify the Authentication Space Name.
- Select the required authentication type (e.g. Active Directory).
- Select the cluster node as the Proxy.
- Enter the Active Directory Domain Name.
Add an ACP
Association that will provide administrator level access to Protector.
- Specify the ACP Association Name.
- Select the User ACP Association type.
- Browse for the required User Name from the Authentication Space specified in the previous step.
- Add the Default Administrator from the Available Profiles listed.
- Log out of the web UI.
- Log back into the web UI using the new User@Domain credentials specified in the above steps.
- Force a fail-over, then log in again using the new credentials to confirm that Protector is still accessible.