How to configure authentication for a cluster

Ops Center Protector Quick Start Guide

Part Number

Install Protector on each of the nodes in the Windows cluster as described in How to install a Protector master or client on a Windows cluster.

During installation, a local administrator account is used. To complete a cluster installation, a domain administrator account must be set up within Protector that is available to all nodes in the cluster:

  1. Navigate to the Protector web UI using the IP address for the Cofio Hub service.
  2. Log in using the local machine's administrator@master credentials.
  3. Add an Authentication Space that will perform authentication for the cluster.
    1. Specify the Authentication Space Name.
    2. Select the required authentication type (e.g. Active Directory).
    3. Select the cluster node as the Proxy.
    4. Enter the Active Directory Domain Name.
  4. Add an ACP Association that will provide administrator level access to Protector.
    1. Specify the ACP Association Name.
    2. Select the User ACP Association type.
    3. Browse for the required User Name from the Authentication Space specified in the previous step.
    4. Add the Default Administrator from the Available Profiles listed.
  5. Log out of the web UI.
  6. Log back into the web UI using the new User@Domain credentials specified in the above steps.
  7. Force a fail-over, then log in again using the new credentials to confirm that Protector is still accessible.