How to add the hub service to a cluster

Ops Center Protector Quick Start Guide

Part Number

Complete the following steps on the active node in the cluster.

  1. In the Failover Cluster Manager console, configure a Generic Service for the cluster using the High Availability Wizard.
  2. Select the Cofio Hub service from the list.
  3. Name the service (e.g. CofioHubSvc) and assign an IP address, then click Next.
  4. Select the shared disk that Protector is installed on.
  5. Do not replicate any registry settings.
  6. Confirm that all settings are correct and then proceed with configuring the service for high availability.
  7. Review the report to ensure that the service was configured correctly, then click Finish.
  8. If a Master is being installed, make a note of Cofio Hub service's IP address shown in the Failover Cluster Manager console. This will be used for accessing the Protector web UI.
    Note: If the web UI is not accessible at this address, check your firewall for the following:
    1. Ensure that Protector is not blocked by the firewall.
    2. Enable port 30304 (Protector) and port 443 (HTTPS).
  9. If a Client is being installed, authorize the node in the Nodes Inventory.
  10. Force a fail-over, to confirm that the Protector node remains online in the Nodes Inventory.