Hyper-V Resource Selection Wizard

Ops Center Protector Microsoft Hyper-V Application Guide

Part Number

This wizard is displayed when the user includes or excludes Hyper-V resources in a policy.

Protector tracks Hyper-V VMs via their unique ID. If the id of an explicitly selected VM is changed (e.g. by deleting and restoring the VM) it will not be included in the backup and an error will be logged.
Figure. Hyper-V VM Selection for Inclusion
Control Description
Virtual Machines Displays flat list of the virtual machines configured on a Hyper-V node. One more VMs can be selected.. See Hyper-V Resource Selection Wizard – Browse Virtual Machines below.
Virtual Machine Locations

Displays a hierarchical view of a Hyper-V node’s file system. See Hyper-V Resource Selection Wizard – Browse by Virtual Machine Locations below.

Note: Protector will select all virtual machines, that have a configuration file under the select path. The list of VMs per path is re-evaluated at the beginning of each backup.
Virtual Machine Host Displays a hierarchical view of Hyper-V nodes and VMs. It is possible to select one or more nodes of a cluster as well as individual VMs. See Hyper-V Resource Selection Wizard – Browse by Virtual Machine Hosts below.
Note: If a host is selected Protector will select all virtual machines available on that host. The list of available virtual machines per host is re-evaluated at the beginning of each backup.
Pattern Select if you want to specify a resource by type and name pattern match. See Hyper-V Resource Selection Wizard – Pattern search below.