The following Microsoft Hyper-V configurations and technologies are supported:
- Individual VMs acting as Protector nodes in their own right (as for a physical machine).
- Microsoft Windows Server with Hyper-V role (see support matrix to determine supported versions)
- Microsoft Hyper-V Server (see support matrix to determine supported versions)
- Hyper-V configurations consisting of a single standalone machine
- Hyper-V configurations based on Windows Failover cluster
- Must utilize Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV) based on the NTFS filesystem
The following data protection technologies are supported:
- Block based snapshots, local and remote replications of VMs
The following configurations and technologies are not supported
- Shielded VMs
- Hyper-V Replica
- VMs on clustered Hyper-V configurations utilizing ReFS based Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV)
- VMs on clustered Hyper-V configurations not utilizing Cluster Shared Volumes (CSV)
- Hyper-V virtual machines with a configuration version < 6.2
- Physical disks directly connected to a virtual machine (e.g. pass though disks, disks
utilizing a virtual fibre channel adapter)Note: These disks will be skipped during the backup process. The VM configuration and the supported disks will be protected
- Protecting Hyper-V VMs with virtual disks which are located on unsupported Block storage (see Hitachi Block prerequisites)