How to install Protector on a node in a cluster

Ops Center Protector Quick Start Guide

Part Number

To install Protector on a Windows Failover Cluster node:

  1. From the Windows Failover Cluster Manager console, identify the cluster server node that is currently in control (i.e. the node which has access to the shared disks).
  2. Install Protector on the controlling node by running Protector-m.n-m.n.n.nnnnn-WIN-ppp.exe.
    The Protector Setup dialog is displayed. Click Next.
  3. Read and accept the license agreement, then click Next.
  4. Change the Installation Directory to the shared drive where you want install Protector. If Protector is already installed on another node in the cluster then select that install location. Click Next.
    For example, if your shared drive is E:\ then the installation path might be on the shared drive: E:\Hitachi\Protector.
    Note: The Protector Installation Directory must be the same for all nodes in the cluster.
  5. Select either the Master or Client installation type, then click Next.
  6. Change the default Node Name to one that represents the entire cluster. If Protector is already installed on another node in the cluster then use that name. Click Next to start the installation.
    Note: The Protector Node Name must be the same for all nodes in the cluster.
  7. If the Master is being installed:
    1. Select a local User Account for logging on to the Protector web user interface immediately after installation is complete. You must know the password associated with the selected account. The account used can be changed after installation of the Master. Click Next.
    2. Accept or edit the Protector User Interface Port used to connect to the web based UI.
  8. If a Client is being installed:
    1. Enter the Master Hostname or IP address or a DNS resolvable name of the Master node.
  9. When the wizard indicates that it is ready to begin the installation, click Next.
  10. When the wizard indicates that the installation is complete, click Finish.
  11. Open the Windows Services console, stop the Cofio Hub service and set its Start Up Type to Manual.
    The Cofio Hub service will be controlled by the Failover Cluster Manager in a clustered configuration.
  12. From the Failover Cluster Manager console, invoke failover to the next node in the cluster, then repeat the above procedure.