How to install the Protector Connector for VMware vRO

Ops Center Protector VMware Application Guide

Part Number

To install the Protector Connector for VMware vRO:

  1. Open the vRealize Orchestrator Control Center for the vRO Appliance in your vRealize infrastructure.
  2. Under Plug-Ins, click Manage Plug-Ins.
  3. Under Install plug-in, click Browse and select the file protector-vro-connector-v.v.v.bbbbb.vmoapp (where v.v.v.bbbbb indicates the version and build number) containing the Protector Connector for VMware vRO, located on the Protector installation ISO or available for download via the VMware Solution Exchange.
    Note: The version of the Protector Connector for VMware vRO must be compatible with the current Protector installation. Refer to the Protector support matrices at
  4. Click Upload and follow the instructions to install the plug-in.