How to configure vRO for single user access

Ops Center Protector VMware Application Guide

Part Number

To configure the Protector Connector for VMware vRO for a single user:

  1. The vRO administrator must set a Protector Master for the Protector Connector to communicate with:
    1. From the vRealize Orchestrator Client select the Workflows tab.
    2. Locate Add Master from within Protector 'Configuration' workflows.
    3. Right click on the workflow and select Start Workflow....
    4. Enter the Protector Master's DNS name and click Submit.
      Note: If running within Ops Center, the Protector REST API will not be available on the expected port (443). By default within Ops Center, the Protector REST API is available on port 20964. In this case enter the master connection details in the form <protector_ip>:<rest_api_port>
  2. The vRO user must provide their Protector user credentials for the Protector Connector to use when running workflows. Credentials are stored in the Protector plug-in so this step is only required once:
    1. From vRealize Orchestrator Client or vSphere Client, run the Add User workflow.
    2. Enter the user's Protector credentials, then click Finish.