If you are migrating from an existing SRM setup using a non-Protector SRA, please read How to migrate to Protector SRA before continuing. The serial numbers of the primary and secondary storage arrays and host groups used to expose datastores at both sites must exist on the storage and appear in Protector (Cache refresh may be required).
To configure array pairs in SRM:
- In the VMware Site Recovery UI, ensure that the Protector Adaptor is listed in the Site Pair tab under Configure > Array Based Replication > Storage Replication Adaptors on both sites, and that its Status is OK.
Under Configure > Array Based Replication > Array Pairs, click + Add to open the Add Array Pair wizard. See figure
Figure. Add Array Pair wizard
- Choose the Protector Adaptor and click Next.
- Provide a name to identify this array manager on the vCenter (VCS).
Enter the Master connection parameters for the Local array
manager, specifying the Master, whether this is the local
or remote site, the Username and Password of the Protector-SRA user specified above. Click
Note: If running within Ops Center, the Protector REST API will not be available on the expected port (443). By default within Ops Center, the Protector REST API is available on port 20964. In this case enter the master connection details in the form <protector_ip>:<rest_api_port>Note: The S-VOLs of all replications must be placed in the appropriate host group(s) so that the vCenter's ESXi hosts at the recovery site can access them for failover and test Failover. This allows the use of multiple hostgroups .Note: The replication must exist in Protector before attempting SRA configuration.
- If desired, enable Allow disruptive test failover by typing 'SplitReplication=true'.
- If desired, show only replications tagged with ‘SRM_REPLICATION’ by typing ‘OnlyTaggedReplications=true’, or with a 'CUSTOM_TAG_NAME' by typing 'OnlyTaggedReplications=CUSTOM_TAG_NAME'
- If desired, prevent synchronization during test failover by typing "noSyncOnTest=true".
- Repeat steps c - f for the Remote array manager.
- Review the settings, then click Finish.
- Review the settings, then click Finish.
The newly added array pair is now listed along with its associated devices (replicated LDEV(s)/datastores) corresponding to the SRM data flows previously activated in Protector.Tip:Figure. Discover Devices OutputThe Datastore column should list the datastores being replicated. If no datastores are listed then re-check your configuration settings.
The Local Consistency Group column contains the Dataflow Name that each device pair comes from. This name can be used as a cross reference via the Protector UI.
In the VMware Site Recovery UI, define
Protection Groups and Recovery
Plans as normal.
SRM is now ready to use.Note: After a failover and reprotect, changing the policy and reactivation of SRM data flows in Protector may mark the existing replications as ready to be torn down.