How to add or remove LDEVs from an SRM replication

Ops Center Protector VMware Application Guide

Part Number

To add or remove LDEVs from an existing SRM replication that is controlled via the Protector SRA:

  1. Ensure SRM is not in a failover state and has been reprotected, and not in a test failover state and has been cleaned up
    If SRM is in either a failover or test failover state, create a new SRM replication data flow that defines the new set of LDEVs. Any changes to the existing replication in a failover state will result in backup failures.
  2. In Protector, add or remove the required LDEVs from the SRM replication policy.
  3. Reactivate and trigger the SRM data flow that defines the protection of your VCS(s).
  4. In the VMware Site Recovery UI, under Configure > Array Based Replication > Array Pairs, click Discover Devices to discover the changes made to the Protector replication policy.
    The newly added/removed devices (replicated LDEV(s)/datastores) will be listed, corresponding to the updated policy and data flow in Protector.
    Figure. Discover Devices Output

    The Datastore column should list the datastores being replicated. If no datastores are listed then re-check your configuration settings.

    The Local Consistency Group column contains an ID for each device pair. This ID is included in the URL of the corresponding Storage > Block Node > Replications and Clones > Replication Details page of the Protector UI. It can be used as a cross reference if required.

  5. In the VMware Site Recovery UI, reconfigure the Protection Groups and Recovery Plans to encompass the changes made in the Protector replication policy.
  6. Ensure there are no errors reported in SRM, then perform a test failover to ensure that the modified site recovery plan is operating as intended.