To add or remove LDEVs from an existing SRM replication that is controlled via the Protector SRA:
Ensure SRM is not in a failover state and has been reprotected, and not in a test
failover state and has been cleaned up
CAUTION:If SRM is in either a failover or test failover state, create a new SRM replication data flow that defines the new set of LDEVs. Any changes to the existing replication in a failover state will result in backup failures.
- In Protector, add or remove the required LDEVs from the SRM replication policy.
- Reactivate and trigger the SRM data flow that defines the protection of your VCS(s).
- In the VMware Site Recovery UI, under Configure > Array Based Replication > Array Pairs, click Discover Devices to discover the changes made to the Protector replication policy.
The newly added/removed devices (replicated LDEV(s)/datastores) will be listed, corresponding to the updated policy and data flow in Protector.Tip:Figure. Discover Devices Output
The Datastore column should list the datastores being replicated. If no datastores are listed then re-check your configuration settings.
The Local Consistency Group column contains an ID for each device pair. This ID is included in the URL of the corresponding Storage > Block Node > Replications and Clones > Replication Details page of the Protector UI. It can be used as a cross reference if required.
- In the VMware Site Recovery UI, reconfigure the Protection Groups and Recovery Plans to encompass the changes made in the Protector replication policy.
- Ensure there are no errors reported in SRM, then perform a test failover to ensure that the modified site recovery plan is operating as intended.