Hitachi Block VMware Snapshot Restore Wizard

Ops Center Protector VMware Application Guide

Part Number

This wizard is displayed when you restore a VMware snapshot from a Hitachi Block device.

Figure. Restore VMware Snapshot Wizard - Select VMs to Restore
Control Description
VMs in snapshot Select the specific VMs within this snapshot that are to be restored.
Figure. Restore VMware Snapshot Wizard - Select Location
Control Description
Original location If the Virtual Machine to be restored does not exist, it will be recreated. If the Virtual Machine to be restored does exist, it will first be backed up on the datastore and then rolled back to the state of the snapshot.
Note: If you want to replace the existing VM with the restored one, then delete it before restoring.
Clone The backup will be restored as a clone at the specified location.

The wizard displays the Set clone prefix and destination page when Next is clicked.

Note: A restored Virtual Machine will not overwrite any existing machines with the same name in the same location. If a VM of the same name exists at the restore location then the restore job will fail and log and error to that effect.
Figure. Restore VMware Snapshot Wizard - Clone Prefix and Destination
Control Description
Cloned Virtual Machine Name Prefix A prefix for the name(s) of the cloned VM(s) must be specified. If the resulting prefixed name is already used by an existing VM in the restore location then the restore will fail and an error will be logged.
Destination Node Select the VMware Host or vCenter where the cloned VM(s) will be restored.
Figure. Restore VMware Snapshot Wizard - Select Clone Destination
Control Description
Destination Select the VMware Datacenter and sub-folder where the cloned VM(s) will be restored.
Figure. Restore VMware Snapshot Wizard - Select Clone Compute Resource
Control Description
Compute Resources Select the VMware Compute Resource where the cloned VM(s) will be run.
Figure. Restore VMware Snapshot Wizard - Select Clone Storage
Control Description
Datastores Select the VMware Datastore where the cloned VM(s) will stored.
Figure. Restore VMware Snapshot Wizard - Select Virtual Machine Options
Control Description
Powered off Select this option to leave the restored VM(s) in the powered off state after they are restored.
Powered on Select this option to place the restored VM(s) in the powered on state after they are restored.
Network Card State Select this option to connect the restored VM network card on the VM(s) after they are restored.
Figure. Restore VMware Snapshot Wizard – Select Host Groups
Control Description
Automatically discover Select this option to all the Host Groups to be automatically determined.
Selected Use this option to specify the required Host Groups for exposing this restore point to the selected VMware system.
Figure. Restore VMware Snapshot Wizard - Select Mount Mode
Control Description
Mount Original Mounts the original (Level 1) snapshot and uses vMotion to move the restored VM(s) to the specified location.
The process of restoring the VM(s) removes it from the snapshot. The metadata for the snapshot will be updated, and thus it will disappear from the snapshot.
Mount duplicate (cascaded snapshot) Only enabled if the original (Level 1) snapshot was created in cascade mode. Mounts a copy of the original snapshot (i.e. a Level 2 snapshot).
Note: The process of restoring the VM(s) removes it from the snapshot. However, because this is a copy, the original snapshot is preserved.
Mount Pool Depending on the parameters specified for the snapshot operation on the data flow, a mount pool might be required. A message is displayed in a blue rectangle to explain if and why a mount pool is required.