Configuring a Web Service Connection for Ops Center Administrator

Ops Center Automator Non-disruptive Migration Guide

Part Number
When using Ops Center Administrator services, you must register a Web Service Connection for Ops Center Administrator.

You can add or edit a Web Service Connection for Ops Center Administrator by using the following procedure:

  1. From the Administration tab, click Connection Settings > Web Service Connections.
  2. Click Add or Edit and enter the following information:
    • Category: OpsCenterAdministrator
    • Name: Enter a name for the Ops Center Administrator connection.
    • IP Address/Host Name: The Ops Center Administrator server name
    • Protocol: https (Cannot be changed)
      Note: When you use https with Web Service connections, you must first import certificates for the Web Service Connection and import certificates into the Java truststore.
    • Port: 443 (default)
      Note: If you installed Ops Center Administrator by using the Ops Center OVA or the Express installer, you must edit this value even if you use the default port number (20961).
    • User ID: An account with operation privileges on Ops Center Administrator
      Note: You can only specify an Ops Center Administrator local user. You cannot specify a Common Services user even if you have integrated users with Ops Center Common Services.
    • Password: The password of the account on Ops Center Administrator
  3. Clear the Use Proxy Server check box. You cannot use a proxy server with Ops Center Administrator.
  4. Enter assigned infrastructure groups.
  5. (Optional) You can test the connection with the values you specified by clicking Test. After starting the test, a notification balloon appears above the Test button indicating whether the connections completed successfully. To stop the testing process, click Stop Test.
  6. Click OK.
For example, adding a Web Service Connection for Administrator might look like this: