Working with the debugger

Ops Center Automator Service Builder User Guide

Part Number

After successfully building a service template in preparation for its release, and supplying the required service and task details from the Perform Debugging dialog box, you can use the Debugger interface to debug the service template.

The Service Builder Debug window has the following operational panes:

  • Debugger: This area allows you to control debug processes associated with the currently selected step.
  • Flow: Shows the placement and flow of steps associated with the service template.
  • Flow Tree: Shows the hierarchical flow of steps.
  • Task Log: Selecting this tab shows a list of task entries. You can update the list to see the current state of running tasks or download the list to a file for subsequent reference.
  • Service Properties: Selecting this tab shows the Display Name of the service properties associated with the service template along with the assigned Key Name and Value.
  • Break Points: Selecting this tab shows any currently set breakpoints along with their Flow Hierarchy and Display Name: You can remove all currently set breakpoints by clicking Remove All Break Points.


The debugger has a convenient method for controlling how to run tasks for a debug process using the following options:

Icon Option
Input Response: Requests an input response for a waiting task.
(Retry Debug): Tries the debugging again as follows:
  • Retry Debug: Tries the debugging process again from the beginning of the service template.
  • Retry the Task Starting from the Failed Step: Tries the task again, beginning from the last failed step.
  • Retry the Task Starting from the Step after the Failed Step: Tries the task again immediately after the last failed step.
(Resume Debug Operation): Resumes the debugging from the last failed step.
(Interrupt Debug Operation): Interrupts the debugging at the current task.
(Forcibly Stop Debug Operation): Forcibly stops the debugging at the current task.
(Execution of Step Into): Runs the task to the next interruptible step.
(Execution of Step Over): Runs the task to the first interruptible point in the next step.
(Execution of Step Return): Runs the task to the first interruptible point in the upper hierarchy.
(Set/Unset Breakpoint): Sets (or removes) a breakpoint that causes the running tasks to pause after the specified step.
Note: The system automatically generates a breakpoint when you choose the step-into, step-over, or step-return option to control how the tasks run during a debug session.

Debug Modes

  • Run plugin in execution mode: Runs the plug-in in execution mode.
  • Run plugin in dry-run mode: Runs the plug-in in dry-run mode.

Task Status

The status for a debug task can be one of the following:

Icon Status
Waiting: Indicates that the task is waiting to run.
Interrupted: Indicates that the task action was interrupted by the step execution feature.
In Progress: Indicates that the debug task is in progress.
Waiting for Input: Indicates that the task is waiting for user input.
In Progress (with Error): Indicates that the task detected a processing error.
In Progress (Terminating): Indicates that the task received a stop operation or forcibly stop operation instruction, and is terminating the processing.
Completed: Indicates that the task completed successfully.
Failed: Indicates that the debug task failed.

Conditional Expressions in a Next Step Flow

When using conditional expressions in a next step flow, the line indicating the flow of execution shows the arrow conditional expression () icon indicating its current status:

  • Green Icon: TRUE
  • Dark Gray Icon: FALSE
  • Dark Gray Icon: NOT YET (not yet run)

By mousing over the arrow with the conditional expression icon attached, the arrow condition name, status, type, and description appear as a tool tip.

Step Information

Step information gives step details as follows:

  • ID: Shows the name of the currently selected step.
  • Display Name: Shows the display name of the step.
  • Status: Shows the status of the debug action for the currently selected step.

Step Properties

The Step Properties view shows the input and output properties associated with a step along with the current values.

The following icons indicate the type of property:

Icon Type
Indicates an Output property
Indicates an Input property

You can edit the property values directly by clicking the pencil icon that accesses the Edit Step Property dialog box where you can make any necessary changes.

While examining the step property values, you can click Edit and select either the From Create Service window or From Create Request window to specify the values for the properties normally supplied by the Modify and Submit users.

You can also click Import or Export to save or retrieve property values from a specified file.

The Task Log, Service Properties, and Break Point tabs provide additional useful information about the current debugging session.