Creating a service from the Service Templates tab

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

Admin, Develop, and Modify users can create services from either predefined service templates or custom service templates, or modify information in an existing service to satisfy specific needs.

  1. On the Service Templates tab, click the service template you want to use to open the service template preview.
  2. In the service template preview pane, click Create Service to open the Create Service window.
  3. In the Create Service window, in the Settings pane, enter the following information, which is summarized in the General Settings area of the Navigation pane:
    • Name of the service.
    • Description of the service.
    • State: Select Test for new services to allow only users in the Admin, Develop, or Modify role to submit the service.
    • Tags: Specify one or more tags for the service (to a maximum of 256 characters). The tags you select for the service also apply to the tasks generated by the service.
    • Service Group: Select the service group of users who can access the service.
    • Template: The template on which the service is based. Click the template name to open the Template Preview, which includes detailed information about the template.

      In the Template Preview, you can click View Flow to open the flow window for the template.

  4. Expand Advanced Options and select the options you want:
    • Scheduling Options:

      Immediate: Run the service when it is submitted.

      Scheduled: Run the service one time.

      Recurrence: Run the service multiple times.

  5. In the Navigation pane, click each settings group and configure the required and optional parameters. You can also navigate through the settings groups using the links at the bottom of the Settings pane.
  6. After configuring the settings, do one of the following:
    • Click Preview to open a view of the service as it appears to a user. Then click Save and Close to save the service.
    • Click Cancel to close the window without saving any changes.

Test the service if you created it in Test state.