Create Online Migration Pair: Service details

Ops Center Automator User Guide

Part Number

The Create Online Migration Pair service template runs from the creation of zones to the creation of copy pairs for online host migration through Configuration Manager. After this service is complete, you must submit the Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair service to complete the migration.

When using this template, be aware of the following:

  • The Online Migration with Configuration Manager service template that existed in v10.5.1 or earlier has been split into two service templates: Create Online Migration Pair and Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair. We recommend that you use the new service templates.
  • In the configuration where the source volumes have clone pairs, before running the tasks, wait a few minutes after the clone process, or update the storage system cache of configuration information.
  • In the configuration where the source volumes have clone pairs, make sure that no secondary volume of the clone pairs is included in the source volumes, and that no secondary volume of the clone pairs is allocated to the selected host as source hosts.
  • When you use the Capacity Saving settings, remember that Capacity Saving works even when copying data by GAD, except when After migration is selected for the Set Capacity Saving property. See "About adaptive data reduction" in the Provisioning Guide for your storage system in advance.
  • By default, this service automatically enables the host mode option "88. Port Consolidation" for the target host groups when the migration is performed. This lets you specify the same port on the target storage system even if there are multiple source storage systems for the same server. In v10.9.3 or later, you can disable this function by unchecking the "Set Host Mode Option 88 to Host Groups automatically" option.
  • When you create a new host group, the host group number of the specified resource group is given priority. If the host group numbers that are registered in the specified resource group are insufficient, the host group number in the resource group named "meta_resource" is used.
  • If the Use Diskless Quorum option is enabled and the task fails and one of the following conditions are met, the automatically created Diskless Quorum might remain. In this case, check the Quorum ID shown in the message and manually delete the Diskless Quorum:
    • KNAE07604-I is not output to the task log. This message is output for the source and target storage systems respectively.
    • KNAE07606-I is output to the task log.
  • The features integrating with FC switches are not supported when you select the "Host Mappings" option for "Mappings" in Target Settings. When you use any feature integrating with FC switches such as zoning, select the "Storage Port Mappings" option for "Mappings".

Software and setup prerequisites

For software and setup prerequisites, see Service template prerequisites.

Edit service settings

The following table lists the Edit Service settings for the Create Online Migration Pair service template.

Navigation pane Settings pane Description
Source Settings Source Selection Specify the source resource as volumes or hosts.
Source Storage Management Connection Specify the source storage management connection for selecting migration source hosts.
Source Hosts Filter Use the filters to display only the source hosts that match the specified criteria.
Join Host Filters By Use the "and" and the "or" operators to join multiple filters.
Source Host Filter (Rows/Page) Use the filter to display only the specified number of source hosts.
Source Host Filter (Current Page) Use the filter to display only the specified page number of the rows per page number of source hosts.
Source Hosts Specify the source hosts.

If you select a host to which the clone copy pair volume is attached, confirm that the volume is not the secondary volume of the clone copy pair.

Source Configuration Manager Connection Specify the source Configuration Manager connection for migration.
Source Storage System Specify the source storage system for migration.
Source Volume Filter (Resource Group) Use the filters to display only the source volumes that belong to the resource group.
Resource Group Name Select the resource group to filter.
Source Volume Filter Use the filters to display only the source volumes that match the specified criteria.
Join Filters By Use the "and" and the "or" operators to join multiple filters.
Source Volume Filter (Rows/Page) Use the filter to display only the specified number of source volumes.
Source Volume Filter (Current Page) Use the filter to display only the specified page number of the rows per page number of source volumes.
Source Volumes Specify the source volumes.

If you select a host to which the clone copy pair volume is attached, confirm that the volume is not the secondary volume of the clone copy pair.

Target Settings Target Configuration Manager Connection Specify the target Configuration Manager connection for migration.
Target Storage System Specify the target storage system for migration.
In the "Compression Acceleration" column,"unavailable" is displayed in the following cases:
  • The migration target storage system does not have the required settings to enable Compression Acceleration.
  • The migration target storage system is a storage model that does not support enabling Compression Acceleration.

If “available” is displayed, Compression Acceleration will be automatically enabled when the capacity saving function is enabled. If "unavailable" is displayed, Compression Acceleration will be automatically disabled when the capacity saving function is enabled.

Target Resource Group Specify the target resource group.
Target Pool Specify the target pool.
LDEV ID range starts from Search for undefined LDEV IDs and allocate target volumes in order from the specified physical LDEV ID. If a physical LDEV ID is not specified, volumes with the same LDEV ID are allocated first.
LDEV ID range ends at Specify the last LDEV ID in the LDEV ID range. If the last LDEV ID is not specified, LDEV IDs are used up to the storage system maximum.
Resource Group for preferential use with LDEV IDs Specify the resource group to use first when searching for available physical LDEV IDs. If there are not enough available LDEV IDs in the resource group with the specified option, LDEV IDs in the resource group with the unspecified option are also used.
Mappings Specify the Storage Port Mappings or Host Mappings.
Storage Port Mappings Specify mappings for the source and target storage ports. Based on the mappings, the system configures the I/O path between the host and the target storage ports.
Source Storage Port Select a source storage port from the list of registered ports.
Target Storage Ports Select one or more target storage ports from the list of registered ports.
Host Mode / Host Mode Options Specify the parameters for creating new Host Mode and Host Mode Options. If a host group/iSCSI Target already exists at the migration target, the existing value will not be changed.
Host Specify the host.
Host Mode Specify the host mode.
Host Mode Options Specify the host mode options.
Host Mappings Specify individual migration target ports for each host port (HBA). For hosts or clusters that use the same storage port on the migration source, you can configure each host port to use different storage ports on the migration target.
Host-WWN/iSCSI name Specify the source hosts and WWN/iSCSI name.
Target Storage Ports Specify the target storage ports.
Capacity Saving Settings for Target Volumes Specify how to apply Capacity Saving settings to target volumes.

If "Same as source volumes" is specified, the settings will be applied in the same way as the Capacity Saving settings for source volumes.

If "Specify Capacity Saving settings" is specified, the settings selected in the following properties will be applied.

If you select the storage system with "Compression Acceleration" available in the "Target Storage System", then Compression Acceleration is enabled when the capacity saving function is enabled. If you select a storage system where "Compression Acceleration" is unavailable, then Compression Acceleration is disabled.

Select Capacity Saving Function Specify the Capacity Saving Function for the target volumes. Refer to your storage system product documentation for the optimal setting.
Select Capacity Saving Mode Specify the Capacity Saving Mode for the target volumes. Refer to your storage system product documentation for the optimal setting.
Set Capacity Saving Specify when to apply Capacity Saving settings to the target volumes.

If "Before migration" is specified, the settings are applied before copying from the source volumes to the target volumes. In this case, Capacity Saving is in effect from the start of migration, but the time required for migration increases.

If "After migration" is specified, the settings are applied after copying from the source volumes to the target volumes is complete. In this case, the migration time will not increase, and Capacity Saving will begin after the migration is complete.

Replication Settings Copy Pace Specify the copy speed. Increasing the value increases the copy speed.
Path Group ID Selection Specify whether to manually select the path group ID.
Path Group ID Specify the path group ID.
Use Diskless Quorum Specify whether to use automatic diskless volume creation.
Quorum Disk Specify the quorum disk.
Run Zero Page Reclaim Specify whether to run zero page reclaim when the online migration is completed.
Email Settings Send email notification when the migration target volume path allocation is complete. Specify whether to send an email notification when the migration target volume path allocation is complete. This enables you to confirm the path allocation listed in the email, then bring it online.
To: Specify the primary (To) email notification addresses.
Cc: Specify additional Cc email notification addresses.
Bcc: Specify additional Bcc email notification addresses.
Subject: Specify the email subject.
Notification mail body Specify the text of the email body.
Migration Settings Delete the Host Group Select the check box to delete the host group.
Delete the Volume Select the check box to delete the volume.
Storage System Lock Wait Time (seconds) Specify the lock waiting time upper limit when acquiring the storage lock while changing the configuration.
Set Host Mode Option 88 to Host Groups automatically Select the checkbox to set Host Mode Option 88 to Host Groups automatically.
Add Migration Progress to Notes Specify whether to automatically add the migration progress to Notes of the Create Online Migration Pair task. If you enable this feature, create the Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair and Clean up Online Migration Pair services in the same service group as the Create Online Migration Pair service.
Fabric Settings Use Fabric Settings Specify True to enable fabric information collection.
Target Fabrics Specify the fabric name. Separate multiple values by commas. If omitted, all fabrics defined as FOS_PrimarySwitch or DCNM in Connections will be used.
Fabric Connection Type Specify the fabric type, either FOS_PrimarySwitch or DCNM to filter the Category in Connections.
Connections Specify the connection defined in the Web Service Connections on the Administration tab. If this value is omitted, the system uses all connections that are defined for the product name listed in the Web Service Connections.
Use Existing Zone Specifies whether to select a predefined zone or any connectable path. If you select this option, the system selects paths within the range of the existing active Zone setting. If you don not select this option, the system selects connectable paths regardless of the existing Zone setting.
Number of Hops Restriction Determines whether the service will fail if there is no path that matched the specified collection range.
Maximum Number of Hops When using the Number of Hops Restriction option, specify the collection range by the number of hops.
Zone Settings Update Zone Configurations Specify True to enable the modify zone settings functionality.
Use Existing Zone Aliases Specify True to use predefined zone aliases regardless of the naming conventions the user specifies. If you specify False, the system selects zone aliases that follow the naming conventions. In either case, if there are no existing zone aliases, the system creates new zone aliases that follow the naming conventions.
Update Current Active Zone Configuration Specify True to add a zone to the active zone configuration.
Zone Configurations to Update To add a zone to a zone configuration other than the active configuration, specify the name of the zone configuration in which to add the zone.
Script for Zone Naming Specify the naming convention script that determines the zone name for the path.
Script for Host Zone Alias Naming Specify the naming convention script that determines the zone alias name for the host port.
Script for Storage Zone Alias Naming Specify the zone information.

Submit service settings

The following table lists the Submit Service settings for the Create Online Migration Pair service template.

Navigation pane Settings pane Description
Source Settings Source Selection Specify the source resource as volumes or hosts.
Source Storage Management Connection Specify the source storage management connection for selecting migration source hosts.
Source Hosts Filter Use the filters to display only the source hosts that match the specified criteria.
Join Host Filters By Use the "and" and the "or" operators to join multiple filters.
Source Host Filter (Rows/Page) Use the filter to display only the specified number of source hosts.
Source Host Filter (Current Page) Use the filter to display only the specified page number of the rows per page number of source hosts.
Source Hosts Specify the source hosts.

If you select a host to which the clone copy pair volume is attached, confirm that the volume is not the secondary volume of the clone copy pair.

Source Configuration Manager Connection Specify the source Configuration Manager connection for migration.
Source Storage System Specify the source storage system for migration.
Source Volume Filter (Resource Group) Use the filters to display only the source volumes that belong to the resource group.
Resource Group Name Select the resource group to filter.
Source Volume Filter Use the filters to display only the source volumes that match the specified criteria.
Join Filters By Use the "and" and the "or" operators to join multiple filters.
Source Volume Filter (Rows/Page) Use the filter to display only the specified number of source volumes.
Source Volume Filter (Current Page) Use the filter to display only the specified page number of the rows per page number of source volumes.
Source Volumes Specify the source volumes.

If you select a host to which the clone copy pair volume is attached, confirm that the volume is not the secondary volume of the clone copy pair.

Target Settings Target Configuration Manager Connection Specify the target Configuration Manager connection for migration.
Target Storage System Specify the target storage system for migration.
In the "Compression Acceleration" column,"unavailable" is displayed in the following cases:
  • The migration target storage system does not have the required settings to enable Compression Acceleration.
  • The migration target storage system is a storage model that does not support enabling Compression Acceleration.

If “available” is displayed, Compression Acceleration will be automatically enabled when the capacity saving function is enabled. If "unavailable" is displayed, Compression Acceleration will be automatically disabled when the capacity saving function is enabled.

Target Resource Group Specify the target resource group.
Target Pool Specify the target pool.
LDEV ID range starts from Search for undefined LDEV IDs and allocate target volumes in order from the specified physical LDEV ID. If a physical LDEV ID is not specified, volumes with the same LDEV ID are allocated first.
LDEV ID range ends at Specify the last LDEV ID in the LDEV ID range. If the last LDEV ID is not specified, LDEV IDs are used up to the storage system maximum.
Resource Group for preferential use with LDEV IDs Specify the resource group to use first when searching for available physical LDEV IDs. If there are not enough available LDEV IDs in the resource group with the specified option, LDEV IDs in the resource group with the unspecified option are also used.
Mappings Specify the Storage Port Mappings or Host Mappings.
Storage Port Mappings Specify mappings for the source and target storage ports. Based on the mappings, the system configures the I/O path between the host and the target storage ports.
Source Storage Port Select a source storage port from the list of registered ports.
Target Storage Ports Select one or more target storage ports from the list of registered ports.
Host Mode / Host Mode Options Specify the parameters for creating new Host Mode and Host Mode Options. If a host group/iSCSI Target already exists at the migration target, the existing value will not be changed.
Host Specify the host.
Host Mode Specify the host mode.
Host Mode Options Specify the host mode options.
Host Mappings Specify individual migration target ports for each host port (HBA). For hosts or clusters that use the same storage port on the migration source, you can configure each host port to use different storage ports on the migration target.
Host-WWN/iSCSI name Specify the source hosts and WWN/iSCSI name.
Target Storage Ports Specify the target storage ports.
Capacity Saving Settings for Target Volumes Specify how to apply Capacity Saving settings to target volumes.

If "Same as source volumes" is specified, the settings will be applied in the same way as the Capacity Saving settings for source volumes.

If "Specify Capacity Saving settings" is specified, the settings selected in the following properties will be applied.

If you select the storage system with "Compression Acceleration" available in the "Target Storage System", then Compression Acceleration is enabled when the capacity saving function is enabled. If you select a storage system where "Compression Acceleration" is unavailable, then Compression Acceleration is disabled.

Select Capacity Saving Function Specify the Capacity Saving Function for the target volumes. Refer to your storage system product documentation for the optimal setting.
Select Capacity Saving Mode Specify the Capacity Saving Mode for the target volumes. Refer to your storage system product documentation for the optimal setting.
Set Capacity Saving Specify when to apply Capacity Saving settings to the target volumes.

If "Before migration" is specified, the settings are applied before copying from the source volumes to the target volumes. In this case, Capacity Saving is in effect from the start of migration, but the time required for migration increases.

If "After migration" is specified, the settings are applied after copying from the source volumes to the target volumes is complete. In this case, the migration time will not increase, and Capacity Saving will begin after the migration is complete.

Replication Settings Copy Pace Specify the copy speed. Increasing the value increases the copy speed.
Path Group ID Selection Specify whether to manually select the path group ID.
Path Group ID Specify the path group ID.
Use Diskless Quorum Specify whether to use automatic diskless volume creation.
Quorum Disk Specify the quorum disk.
Run Zero Page Reclaim Specify whether to run zero page reclaim when the online migration is completed.
Email Settings Send email notification when the migration target volume path allocation is complete. Specify whether to send an email notification when the migration target volume path allocation is complete. This enables you to confirm the path allocation listed in the email, then bring it online.
To: Specify the primary (To) email notification addresses.
Cc: Specify additional Cc email notification addresses.
Bcc: Specify additional Bcc email notification addresses.
Subject: Specify the email subject.
Notification mail body Specify the text of the email body.
Migration Settings Delete the Host Group Select the check box to delete the host group.
Delete the Volume Select the check box to delete the volume.
Storage System Lock Wait Time (seconds) Specify the lock waiting time upper limit when acquiring the storage lock while changing the configuration.
Set Host Mode Option 88 to Host Groups automatically Select the checkbox to set Host Mode Option 88 to Host Groups automatically.
Add Migration Progress to Notes Specify whether to automatically add the migration progress to Notes of the Create Online Migration Pair task. If you enable this feature, create the Migrate Data for Online Migration Pair and Clean up Online Migration Pair services in the same service group as the Create Online Migration Pair service.
Fabric Settings Use Fabric Settings Specify True to enable fabric information collection.
Target Fabrics Specify the fabric name. Separate multiple values by commas. If omitted, all fabrics defined as FOS_PrimarySwitch or DCNM in Connections will be used.
Fabric Connection Type Specify the fabric type, either FOS_PrimarySwitch or DCNM to filter the Category in Connections.
Connections Specify the connection defined in the Web Service Connections on the Administration tab. If this value is omitted, the system uses all connections that are defined for the product name listed in the Web Service Connections.
Use Existing Zone Specifies whether to select a predefined zone or any connectable path. If you select this option, the system selects paths within the range of the existing active Zone setting. If you don not select this option, the system selects connectable paths regardless of the existing Zone setting.
Number of Hops Restriction Determines whether the service will fail if there is no path that matched the specified collection range.
Maximum Number of Hops When using the Number of Hops Restriction option, specify the collection range by the number of hops.
Zone Settings Update Zone Configurations Specify True to enable the modify zone settings functionality.
Use Existing Zone Aliases Specify True to use predefined zone aliases regardless of the naming conventions the user specifies. If you specify False, the system selects zone aliases that follow the naming conventions. In either case, if there are no existing zone aliases, the system creates new zone aliases that follow the naming conventions.
Update Current Active Zone Configuration Specify True to add a zone to the active zone configuration.
Zone Configurations to Update To add a zone to a zone configuration other than the active configuration, specify the name of the zone configuration in which to add the zone.
Script for Zone Naming Specify the naming convention script that determines the zone name for the path.
Script for Host Zone Alias Naming Specify the naming convention script that determines the zone alias name for the host port.
Script for Storage Zone Alias Naming Specify the zone information.